Objective meaning in hindi
As noun : अगण्य Ex:  being uninvolved he remained objective
अर्थज्ञ Ex:  The objective report was not appreciated. आर्डिनरी Ex:  If Joanna is killed or fails an objective उद्देश्य Ex:  They considered the objective of becoming an arhat insufficient उ: उद्देश्य यह सूची बहुत लंबी है। उद्देस Ex:  The objective of the council was to reconcile the different schools of Buddhism कर्मकारक Ex:  Manuel was kept from his main objective कार्यवस्तु Ex:  Full EU membership is a long-term objective of some in the Swiss government कार्यांर्थ Ex:  The typical objective is to have the recording sound unmanipulated क्रतुफल Ex:  According to Kant beauty is objective and universal जेनरल Ex:  Moral realism holds that there are objective moral values. उ: १७९३ में उन्होंने जेनरल डाब्ले नामक फ्रांसीसी शरणार्थी से विवाह किया। दूइज Ex:  Although the Quit India movement had moderate success in its objective दृष्टिगुण Ex:  Others have maintained more objective empirical perspectives द्वितीया Ex:  Now what is equivalent to objective knowledge but the a priori उ: बाद यम द्वितीया है, जब भाई बहिन के घर जाता है। प्रायापयोगिक Ex:  Support for independence has grown and is the objective of the government. बाह्य Ex:  He sought to define classes in terms of objective criteria उ: बाह्य और आंतरिक जगत् में कोई ध्रुव सत्य नहीं है। मुद्दा Ex:  The objective of winning players is not winning every individual hand उ: ग्लैडीएटर लड़ाइयों की उत्पत्ति एक बहस का मुद्दा है। यमद्वितीया Ex:  If the main objective of a campaign was not the conquest of a particular city लक्ष्य Ex:  The stated objective of the Global War on Terror is "the defeat of al Qaeda उ: इनका लक्ष्य शुभ या भद्र का उत्पन्न करना है। लछ Ex:  The IJN failed to achieve its objective लोकसिद्ध Ex:  Many objective measures show the positive impact of Hubble data on astronomy. वजीहा Ex:  Medical aid is the main objective of most missions वस्तुगत Ex:  Therefore, innovation becomes an important objective . उ: वस्तुगत उदात्तता प्रमुख हो जाती है। वस्तुनिष्ठ Ex:  An objective narrative उ: दूसरा पेपर भी वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रकार का होता है। वस्तुपरक Ex:  Philosophy At subjective point of view according to the data of our knowledge and not on objective reality उ: ये चिंतन के जरिए अपनी वस्तुपरक वास्तविकता को खोजते हैं। वहिष्क Ex:  The objective perspective वैरसाधन वोढव्य व्यध्य सरव्य सामान्य उ: रामराखी सामान्य राखी से भिन्न होती है। सामान्यत्व सींध हदफ
As adjective : निपाख Ex:  Their first objective was Nicaea निरपख Ex:  The objective was for these sports to reach a larger audience निरपच्छो Ex:  Macedon was now too weak to achieve this objective निष्पक्ष Ex:  Journalistic theory generally holds that news items should be objective उ: उनमें निष्पक्ष विचार करने के क्षमता नहीं होती है। विषयनिष्ट Ex:  The subjective and objective
Other : कर्म संबंधी Ex:  In order to achieve that objective कर्मवाची Ex:  While Brahman lies behind the sum total of the objective universe तटस्थ Ex:  No objective physical test exists to diagnose ADHD in a patient. उ: यह अरब सागर से तटस्थ है और मुम्बई का एक उपनगर है। पदार्थ संबंधी Ex:  In larger amateur telescopes with an objective diameter of between 15 and 23 cm वस्तुसम्बन्धी Ex:  Philosophy Quality of what is objective existence of objects outside ourselves विषयपरक Ex:  The subjective and objective विषयाश्रित वैषयिक
Objective ki paribhasha : vah jo sada vishay vaasana men rat rahata ho jo keval baahar se dekhane bhar ko ho lakshy vastu jisapar dhyaan rakhakar koi baat kahi ya ki jaay vastu arthaat vrattaanta, katha aadi se snbaddh jisaka lakshan ya paribhaash ki jaay vah ek baat ya gun jo kisi jaati ya varg ki sab chijon men samaan roop se paaya jaay
ExamplesUsage of Objective in sentences
The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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