Obliquely meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Obliquely
As noun : ऐंड़बैंड़ Ex:  The island is obliquely depicted in her best-known book, Wide Sargasso Sea.
तिक्खा Ex:  By analogy, in terms of Bridges and Roads, he said of the Mountain Trails that runs obliquely and that brings on themselves at a higher point, to obtain less steep slopes तिरछन Ex:  Carpentry Wood piece set obliquely against another or against a piece of wood, against a wall, etc तिरछा Ex:  In obliquely उ:   उच्चावचों पर तिरछा डाला जाता है। तिरीछा Ex:  In terms of construction, Délarder a piece of wood, a stair step, Cut obliquely lowering edges तिरीछो Ex:  In terms of Geometry and Astronomy, he said in a curve that shaped obliquely cutting a right cone by a plane crossing the तीछे Ex:  It is used in terms of anatomy to designate Parts which are located crosswise, which run obliquely बँकार Ex:  Looking below, Watching obliquely looking down बँकैत Ex:  oblique Marche, That of a troupe that advance obliquely over his forehead, which inclines to either the right or left बंकट Ex:  Projecting a body obliquely बंकिम Ex:  Skew, oblique line, obliquely उ:   ऐसे में बंकिम उन्हें धर्मग्रन्थ पढ़कर सुनाने लगेे। बंकुस Ex:  Sort arranged window to direct the day obliquely downward बक्र Ex:  The projectiles, apart from the air resistance, describes a parabola, when they are thrown obliquely बेँड़ा Ex:  The Zodiac obliquely cutting the equator वगलौहाँ Ex:  In terms of Marine, Wind is frank, His direction is such that the building can, with its obliquely sailing keel, follow the determined विजिह्म Ex:  It will always obliquely everything he does सरगपताली सावीकृत
Other : टेढ़ा Ex:  Hume followed the common practice of expressing his views obliquely टेढे तीर से Ex:  A line drawn obliquely टेढ़े तीर से Ex:  Bond that is a flat, light stone or any like thing thrown obliquely on the surface of the water तिरछा होने पर Ex:  From via obliquely तिरछे तिरछे Ex:  In terms of Arts, he said in a piece of wood placed obliquely between farms a frame to give them more resistance against wind action तिर्यक रुपेण Ex:  It is always obliquely फेर से Ex:  Long Marine yard which obliquely attached to the mast, to support a triangular sail
Obliquely ki paribhasha : jo apane aadhaar par samakon banaata hua na gaya ho
Usage of Obliquely in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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