Obliquity meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Obliquity
As noun : अकूर्च Ex:  In terms of Astronomy, the obliquity of the ecliptic, The angle the ecliptic makes with the equator
अमीली Ex:  Marine Road Deviation of a building caused by the obliquity sails, oriented as close to the wind उड़ेच Ex:  The obliquity of a line कपट Ex:  The obliquity of sunlight कूटकर्म Ex:  , The obliquity of its conduct of its proceedings, That which is contrary to righteousness, to the franchise in his conduct, in his efforts गृहजालिका चलचूक छंदबंद छलहाई तिर्यक प्रस्तुति तोत धूर्तरचना शाठ्च हिपोक्रिसी
Other : टेढी चाल टेढ़ा तिरछापन तिर्यकता बंक भंगिमा वक्रता उ:   आजकल हीरे का चूर्ण लगा यंत्र वक्रता पैदा करने के लिए प्रयुक्त होता है।
Obliquity ki paribhasha : abhipraay saadhan ke liye hraday ki baat ko chhipaane ki vratti
Usage of Obliquity in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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