Ocher meaning in hindi
As noun : कषायी Ex:  It also signifies Who is the color of ocher
गिरिधातु Ex:  It is not usual that in these phrases: sigillée Earth Sort of ocher earth, on which the sultans were printing their seal गिरिमृत Ex:  Layer, ocher earth गिरिमृद्धव Ex:  Who is the nature ocher गिलसुर्ख Ex:  Who is colored by yellow ocher गेरुआ रंग गेरुए रंग का गेरू उ: इसके लिए घर, ऑंगन तथा सीढ़ियों को गेरू से लीपा जाता है। द्लाढक पत्रावलि प्रत्यश्मा बभ्रुधातु रक्तगैरिक रक्तधातु रक्तपाषाण वनालक्त शिलाजतु शैलसंभूत
Other : ओकर Ex:  glowing ocher
Ocher ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ki laal kadi mitti jo khaanon se nikalati hai
ExamplesUsage of Ocher in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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