Odorous meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Odorous
As noun : दुर्गंधयुक्त Ex:  odorous material that contains a pocket located in the Quadruped stomach of a ruminant, the size of a deer
Other :
बसीला Ex:  There are particles emanating from odorous body and produce odors सुगन्ध उ:   ये प्रायः रंगीन होते हैं तथा इनमें सुगन्ध भी मौजूद रहती है। सुगन्धित उ:   सूंघने योग्य वस्तुओं में क्या उत्तम है? उसके मुख का सुगन्धित पवन।
Usage of Odorous in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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