Okay meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Okay
As noun : अथकिम् Ex:  This meal does okay for me .
अनुमति Ex:  It's okay to blow your lines in rehearsal . उ:   बल्लेबाज को रात भर उबालने की अनुमति है। अभ्यनुज्ञा Ex:  How are you doing? Mary: I'm okay . आम् Ex:  How do you like school? Bob: It's okay . औपयिक Ex:  How you doing? Bill: Doing okay . चित्तकलित Ex:  How are things going? Fred: Feeling okay . ठिक है Ex:  He's okay in my book . ठीक Ex:  This looks okay to me . उ:   उसे ठीक करने हेतु वह उसे अपने घर ले आता है। प्रणाय्य Ex:  By extension, a man okay प्राप्तरूप Ex:  The low of this piano are not okay मुस्तकीम Ex:  They are both still wide of the mark, far from account, said two people who are treated in market something that can not fall okay मुस्तहकिम योक्तिक रजी राजी होना रैट विल्कुल ठिक वैध ‡ सप्रमाण समुढ़ सारुप्य सार्थवत् सुपर्याप्त सुहूँ सेँठा सौँधी हस्तदक्षिण हाँ उ:   हाँ यह बात और है कि भारत मक्का के उपयोगो मे काफी पिछडा हुआ है।
Other : ठीक है Ex:  How you doing? Jane: Been okay .
Okay ki paribhasha : jaisa hona chaahiye vaisa vah poornima jisamen chndrama ki poori na ho vah shabd jisake dvaara yah prakat kiya jaata hai ki ham yah baat karane ko tauyaar hain
Usage of Okay in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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