Old man meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Old man
As noun : इषू Ex:  An old man was walking with the help of a stake.
दोसत Ex:  The old man was hopped up again . दोस्त Ex:  Inside the boat was an old man and a boy. उ:   दोस्त जो आपकी हँसी का बहुत बड़ा ज़रिया होते हैं। नंदिवर्धन Ex:  Still dedicated to the old man पीरसाल Ex:  He also starred in Baywatch as an old man in boxer shorts. बांधव Ex:  Crono's friends find the old man at the End of Time to be Gaspar बुढऊ Ex:  , old Pole, one, one that serves to support an old man who assists him in his needs बुढ़ Ex:  A gray beard, a old beard, an old man बुढ़ना Ex:  An old man बूढ़ा Ex:  An old man must respect himself if he wants young people to respect the उ:   उन्हें सड़क पर एक बूढ़ा आदमी दिखाई दिया। बूढा आदमी Ex:  He said, figuratively and familiarly, an old man who has little intelligence and holds stubbornly to old prejudices मखदूम Ex:  He said, figuratively and familiarly, an old man who stubbornly holds to old prejudices महारम Ex:  In terms of Devotion, Strip the old man मालक ‡ Ex:  In the mystical style Stripping the old man, off the old man मालिक Ex:  It is a very old man उ:   जिसके की मालिक एक ब्रिटिश नागरिक हैं । मित्रयु Ex:  It is said in the same direction and familiarly This old man defends himself, he resists the effects of age मुअम्मर Ex:  It is said that an old man curve मुशफिक Ex:  It s' is later used this word to refer to a ridiculous old man मुहिव्व Ex:  It woos the old man hoping to inherit मौला Ex:  It's great pity to see this poor old man carrying a heavy burden वफीक Ex:  One patient, an old man who abandons संपक्व Ex:  The old man begins to Jack up सचि Ex:  The old man no longer belongs, her governess confiscated सजु Ex:  The old man was still good foot, good eye सफो Ex:  This man is still Verdelet says an old man who still has the vigor सुहृत् Ex:  This old man can not walk without support स्नेहन् Ex:  This old man is still very fresh स्वपक्ष Ex:  This said, alluding to character comedy, an old man of weak character, who is easily duped हमदम Ex:  , This is a patriarch said of a old man who lives in the middle of a large family हमसाज Ex:  What God keep you in good disposition! This old man will continue long
Other : बाबा Ex:  Oh yes, said the old man in his slippers, he knew her well . उ:   काशी बाबा विश्वनाथ की नगरी है। वृद्ध Ex:  Since its last attack, the old man accepts many उ:   हाईपोथर्मिया के सबसे अधिक शिकार बच्चे या वृद्ध होते हैं।
Old man ki paribhasha : vah jisase anuchit snbndh ho
Usage of Old man in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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