Omnivorous meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Omnivorous
As noun : सर्वग्राही Ex:  Other omnivorous mammals in the forest include the wolverine
As adjective :
कटखादक Ex:  Part of its success comes from its omnivorous diet सर्वभक्षी Ex:  Humans have evolved as omnivorous hunter-gatherers over the past 250,000 years. उ:   बुशमैन सर्वभक्षी होते है। सर्वायी Ex:  L Man is omnivorous
Other : सर्वाहारी उ:   प्रोसायोनिडाए गण के जानवर सर्वाहारी होते हैं।
Usage of Omnivorous in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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