Operation meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Operation
As noun : अकामता Ex:  The patient must be anesthetized before the operation
अम्र Ex:  Acknowledged operation आंतःपुरिक Ex:  We should be in operation to stand meals to our friends. आपरेशन Ex:  The patient must be sedated before the operation उ:   इनको भी आपरेशन द्वारा निकलवा देना उचित है। उपदेशता Ex:  He had a kidney transplant operation recently. करम Ex:  The operation was codenamed Gericht उ:   करम त्योहार करम देवता, बिजली, युवाओं और शबाब के देवता की पूजा है। कर्मचेष्टा Ex:  Victoria was the location of a large equipment maintenance operation काँज Ex:  This operation is called a cache line fill. काम Ex:  He worked his way up to become an operation manager. उ:   ये काम इश्यू खुलने से पहले ही कर लिया जाता है। कामर्स Ex:  Due to its operation at pressures of up to 130 bars कामविहंता Ex:  Within the first 10 years of operation कामु Ex:  Hoverbarges are still in operation today. कारय Ex:  Mathematical structures with an addition operation कारि Ex:  He defines the lexicographical order and an addition operation कारिज Ex:  Soviet forces committed to the operation numbered only 1,100,000 men कार्य प्रणाली Ex:  The Eurostar service began operation in 1994 कार्य विधि Ex:  This operation met strong opposition within the Nazi hierarchy कार्य Ex:  Most of the deaths sustained by the Israelis in the entire operation उ:   इंजीनियरी के अधिकांश कार्य विशाल होते हैं। कार्यवाही Ex:  The proper operation of third stage of the rocket उ:   जिस पर कम्प्यूटर फिर कार्यवाही करता है। कालापक Ex:  CP Ships was the final operation किरतब Ex:  The Kalinin Front had assigned for the operation the 10th Guards Аrmy क्रिया कलाप Ex:  The Western Front would have for the operation the 4th Shock Army गलखाँसी Ex:  During the Spas-Demyansk offensive operation in the region of Spas-Demensk चालू Ex:  Iraq has seven dams in operation उ:   जुलाई २००१ ई. तक यह परियोजना चालू हो जाएगी। चीड़ फाड़ Ex:  In April, the Allies then launched an operation to retake Western New Guinea. चीर फाड़ Ex:  Cash later claimed that during his operation छेद्य Ex:  He offered $150,000 for the "removal" of Castro through this operation . जातिव्यवसाय Ex:  It is not planned that he will undergo another operation for the moment". जीववृत्ति Ex:  In South Africa's first post-apartheid military operation डोलनि Ex:  Many 747-200s are still in operation धंधु Ex:  This operation was a failure. नप्स Ex:  She won Leipzig yet again the day before her foot operation निजामत Ex:  During normal operation नौकर्म Ex:  At the end of their first year in operation परिचालन Ex:  As the operation was fully underway उ:   पवन ऊर्जा संयत्रों का परिचालन सुरक्षित है। प्रणोद Ex:  Claudius paid detailed attention to the operation of the judicial system. प्रवर्तन Ex:  Romania's two motorway currently in operation उ:   और दूसरा कानून प्रवर्तन से संबंधित है। बयपार Ex:  This operation was thwarted बाँन्योटा Ex:  2000 a new law took effect which outlawed the operation बिहसनि Ex:  This same operation runs the original metro line from Piraeus to Kifisia बेवसाय Ex:  A controversy over the assortment of operation theories dates back to the 1700s बोँहड़ा Ex:  There are well over 100,000 of these shrines in operation today बोपार Ex:  For example, the set of integers under the operation of addition is a group. मुसाहबत Ex:  A semigroup has an associative binary operation मुसाहवी Ex:  Addition is the basic operation of arithmetic. राद्धांत Ex:  Rommel's last attempted blitzkrieg operation in Egypt लोकयात्रा Ex:  During its first full year of operation in 1928 वणिग्वृत्ति Ex:  Justinian had won victories in most theatres of operation वणिज Ex:  The operation was repeated the following day but called off soon afterwards. वणिजा Ex:  Iowa made several operation cruises in European waters. वापारु Ex:  The transmitter/receiver is capable of operation in a long वार्तिका Ex:  The fundamental operation of most CPUs वार्त्तारंभ Ex:  Even with the small Graf Zeppelin, the operation was almost profitable. विचेष्टित Ex:  Turkey responded by launching a military operation on Cyprus वृधसानु Ex:  The operation of Wikipedia depends on MediaWiki वेष्य Ex:  A number swamped and sank in the operation वैतालिकव्रत Ex:  Ten-Go was the last major Japanese naval operation of the war वौसाउ Ex:  The operation effectively placed Nairobi under military siege व्यापार Ex:  Pete Fleming had still not decided to participate in the operation उ:   यह व्यापार ईसा पूर्व दूसरी शताब्दी में होता था। व्यापृति Ex:  On 30 November 2007, KRL Ciliwung Blue Line began operation . शल्य क्रिया Ex:  For his success in this operation शल्य चिकित्सा Ex:  The operation started on 10 September 1946 in Amsterdam संकल्पज Ex:  By the operation in his mind, without writing संक्रिया Ex:  Check the operation उ:   यह एक द्वितीय ऑर्डर का डिफरेंसिअल संक्रिया है। संचालन Ex:  chemical operation which is evaporated by a body, it transforms the gas in उ:   वेश्यालयों का संचालन दंडनीय था। सखुनसाजी Ex:  Demonstration, mathematical operation समुद्देश Ex:  Each of the pieces that contribute to the operation of a machine सर्जरी Ex:  extend someone on a table, a bed, to make him undergo any operation उ:   बोन ग्राफ्ट सर्जरी का अपना खुद का देखभाल मानक है। सामरिक गतिविधि Ex:  He also said, in the language of Mysticism, to express the state of the passive soul under the operation of God सायणवाद Ex:  He was made to the operation of the stone सिद्धंत Ex:  In terms of arithmetic it means operation that is used to find the sum of several numbers added one to the other सिद्धांत Ex:  In terms of Arts, end button, or simply Knob Small gold or silver portion remaining after the operation of the cup, etc उ:   इनके अन्य सिद्धांत परस्पर लागू होते हैं। सिधंत Ex:  In terms of Arts, PRIME is used in a large number of cases to refer to any work used to prepare, starting an operation हिरफत Ex:  In terms of Devotion, the operation of the Holy Spirit हुशकाई Ex:  In terms of Exchange, see Making, Making refer to the next due to an operation done one time हेतुमान् Ex:  In terms of Forestry, it means the operation by which we ensure the trees missing and need to be replaced
Other : इस्तेमाल Ex:  He is recovering from the operation of cyst उ:   इसका इस्तेमाल मक्खन बनाने के लिए किया जाता है। कतृत्व Ex:  This is why tuned operation is sometimes called a "clamper". काम का ढंग Ex:  The tunnel is still in operation कार्यान्वयन Ex:  A rescue operation immediately ensued उ:   अब इसके सन्दर्भ में कार्यान्वयन पी एच पी समूह द्वारा किया जाता है। चालन Ex:  The Yelnya-Dorogobuzh offensive operation चीर फाड Ex:  Although the operation had failed in its tactical objectives प्रवर्तन में Ex:  In the nine day long operation प्रवर्तित Ex:  Other points systems have been in operation over the years उ:   जिन परम्परा' का अर्थ है - 'जिन द्वारा प्रवर्तित दर्शन'। शल्यकर्म Ex:  A farm in full operation उ:   इसकी चिकित्सा शल्यकर्म द्वारा होती है। शल्यक्रिया Ex:  An operation that has done well उ:   किसी इलाज या शल्यक्रिया की वजह से भी ऐसा होता है। सचांलन Ex:  Director pages , the composer responsible for this operation स‌ंक्रिया Ex:  In terms of chemistry, it means Gather parts of a body that had been separated by some operation
Operation ki paribhasha : vanaspati men honevaala vah bich athava poshak dravy ya goode se paripoorn bijakosh jo kisi vishisht RRitu men phoolon ke aane ke baad utpann hota hai chirane phaadne ka bhaav itana maan ya adhikaar ki jo baat chaahe kar ya kara sake vyaakaran ka vah anga, jisase kisi vyaapaar ka karana ya karaana paaya jaay vah jo kaaran ka vikaar ho athava jise lakshy karake karta kriya kare bhalibhaaanti soch vichaar kar sthir kiya hua mat nyaay ke anusaar vishay ke saath honevaala indriyon ka snyog gati ya kriya jo kisi prayatn se utpann ho
Usage of Operation in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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