Opposition meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Opposition
As noun : अंतराइ Ex:  The opposition poured out a stream of vitriol in the assembly
अठान० Ex:  The opposition party hurled abuses on the ruling party. अडंचन Ex:  businessmen of every stripe joined in opposition to the proposal अनात्मकदुःख Ex:  The Government was severely lambasted by the opposition on this issue. अनाबाध Ex:  He defected the opposition party and joined the leading party. अनुवेध Ex:  Failing to control the unruly opposition members the speaker adjourned
the House twice.
अपग्रह Ex:  The opposition in the Parliament is gaining adherents. अमीली Ex:  There is a refutation of government proposals by opposition parties. अरसान Ex:  The opposition party gave a long tirade against the government. इख्तिलाफ Ex:  The Parliament house resounded with the cries of opposition members. इतराजी Ex:  Re-writing of the constitation is proposed by the opposition party. उज्त्र Ex:  The opposition boycotted the meeting. उज्त्र Ex:  The opposition boycotted the meeting. खिलाफत Ex:  Paul arranged a meeting with the opposition . चखाचखी Ex:  He crushed down all political opposition . चूँचरा Ex:  Smuts had successfully predicted this opposition छेटा Ex:  Mokronowski was soon removed from the council for his opposition to Kościuszko. द्विधाद्वंद्व Ex:  Despite opposition from most of the churches in Finland नाइत्तिफाकी Ex:  In 1925, all opposition was silenced. परिपरी Ex:  He encountered no military opposition in Rome प्रतपक्षता Ex:  The opposition claimed that the election was fraudulent. प्रतपक्षता Ex:  The opposition claimed that the election was fraudulent. प्रतिकूलता Ex:  He has declared his opposition to imperialism प्रतिकूलवाद Ex:  He encountered no military opposition प्रतिच्छेद Ex:  New Patriotic Party, major opposition party प्रतिच्छेद Ex:  New Patriotic Party, major opposition party प्रतिद्वंदी Ex:  When Ceres has an opposition near the perihelion उ:   अलम्बुष एवं घटोत्कच आपस में कड़े प्रतिद्वंदी थे। प्रतिरोध Ex:  The principal opposition party उ:   इस मांग का प्रतिरोध नहीं किया जा सकता था। प्रतिवंधकता Ex:  There was states' rights opposition to voting rights at Edmund Pettus Bridge प्रतिविधित्सा Ex:  The opposition to Ruhemann's techniques was led by Ernst Gombrich प्रतीघात Ex:  In the Bahamas, opposition to golf developments has become a national issue. प्रतीपवचन Ex:  Four registered opposition parties participated in the October 18 प्रत्यवरोध, प्रत्यवरोधन Ex:  However, the attack quickly encountered heavy opposition and stalled. फुटमत Ex:  Here Camus expresses his opposition to the totalitarian regimes of the West बाधा Ex:  As the movement expanded, it faced opposition and persecution. उ:   ४००मी बाधा दौड़ के फ़ाइनल में प्रवेश पाने वाली वे पहली भारतीय बनीं। बिरोध Ex:  In opposition to Schopenhauer मजाहमत Ex:  Many opposition leaders mysteriously died during this time मद्देमूकाबिल Ex:  Maneka is an M.P. for the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party. रोकटोक Ex:  During his period of opposition in the 1980s लाँझि Ex:  The main opposition to Russian expansion into Turkestan came from the British ववज Ex:  However, his work encountered too much opposition for that to be possible. वाध, वाधन Ex:  Political opposition included communists as well as Islamic fundamentalists विपक्ष Ex:  Amidst growing opposition उ:   इसके अतिरिक्त वह कई वर्ष विपक्ष के नेता थे। विप्रतिकार Ex:  Socrates' opposition to democracy is often denied विरोध Ex:  Despite most opposition representatives joining the parliament उ:   उन्होने औरंगजेब के अनेकों बार विरोध किया। विरोधी दल Ex:  Although the opposition vote increased in the election विरौधी पक्ष Ex:  During the opposition of December 17 2002 वैमुख्य Ex:  There are also about twenty other minor opposition parties registered. व्याकोप Ex:  Howard elaborated his opposition to multiculturalism by saying "To me व्य़ुत्थान Ex:  She led her army in the opposition from on top of an elephant. शाखशाना Ex:  Despite opposition from Japanese Army leaders शिक Ex:  2007. This decision rallied widespread support from the 'Orange' opposition संवार Ex:  Fearing future armed opposition from Sandino सन्निबर्हण Ex:  Strong opposition soon developed. समुच्छय Ex:  The coup faced wide popular opposition and collapsed in three days
Other : प्रतिपक्ष Ex:  Even after the legitimization of trade unions there was opposition उ:   उपर्युक्त उदाहरण में "सत्" पक्ष, "असत्" प्रतिपक्ष तथा "भव" समन्वय है। प्रतियोग Ex:  The grounds for the opposition were mainly economic, not humanitarian. प्रातिपक्ष Ex:  Several political groups with different opposition policies arose बायाँ Ex:  The marriage took place over the opposition of the bride's family रीक Ex:  This policy is supported by the main UK opposition parties. रोक Ex:  The primary opposition is the Social Democratic Front उ:   क्षेत्र में तुरंत सीरम की व्यवस्था की गई और महामारी को रोक दिया गया। वाह Ex:  Most of the political opposition boycotted the 2005 parliamentary election. उ:   वाह लवि बहुत पढाकू हो गयी हो। विमुखता Ex:  '' Capitalism has met with strong opposition throughout its history. उ:   हालांकि, जब वें विमुखता पर होते है उनकी स्पष्टता सर्वोत्तम होती है। वियुति Ex:  The main opposition in the current consists of Fine Gael under Enda Kenny विरुद्ध Ex:  The senators are appointed by the government and the opposition उ:   कुछ कैसर के विरुद्ध भी यह सहायक होती है। विरोधी वर्ग Ex:  Saturn and its rings are best seen when the planet is at or near opposition . सामना Ex:  He also faced the opposition of several politicians उ:   वे मराठी में सामना नामक समाचार-पत्र निकालते थे।
Opposition ki paribhasha : hal men laga hua chilam ke aakaar ka chonga jisamen bhara hua bij hal chalane men baraabar kooand men padta jaata hai vina par ya dine ka kisi doosari vastu ke saath atynt bhinnata pratikool hone ka bhaav ya kriya
Usage of Opposition in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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