Oration meaning in hindi
As noun : अड्रेस Ex:  he delivered an oration on the decline of family values
अभिवदन Ex:  Octavius delivered the funeral oration for his grandmother. भाषण Ex:  This is considered to be a monumental oration उ: बर्लिन के स्पोटर्स पैलेस में हिटलर का भाषण सुना। समुद् गार
Other : वक्तृता Ex:  The oration also moves away from the religious ideology of the tetrarchy उ: न्याय के समय उसने बड़ी उत्तम वक्तृता दी, पर उसकी फाँसी हो गई। व्याख्यान देने की विधि Ex:  Demosthenes delivered his first political oration व्याख्यान Ex:  L'apostrophe Bossuet in Algiers is one of the finest passages in his funeral oration of Maria Theresa उ: उन्होंने "वुमन ऑफ़ कुचीपुडी" पर एक व्याख्यान प्रदर्शन दिया। सम्भाषण
Oration ki paribhasha : kisi vishay ki vyaakhya ya tika karane athava vivaran batalaane ka kaam
ExamplesUsage of Oration in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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