Ordinarily meaning in hindi
As adverb : औसतन् Ex:  This scheme is the one ordinarily used in the English language.
सामान्य रूप से Ex:  for large leather purse Sort ordinarily held by a belt and can be worn on the back side or सामान्यतया Ex:  He also said, by extension, Sleep which the inhabitants of hot countries is ordinarily engaged to noon उ: सामान्यतया बैंक २१-५२ दिनों की ऋण अवधि प्रदान करते हैं।
Other : आमतौर पर Ex:  Being shorter in length than waves ordinarily formed by gales आमतौर से Ex:  Large males will ordinarily weigh only about 5,000 kg मामूली तौर से Ex:  Action to strangle, and ordinarily state of one who is throttled साधारणतः Ex:  C is the Supreme Court which ordinarily say regarding judges settlement उ: साधारणतः यह कमजोर, शाखायुक्त, रेंगनेवाला पौधा है। साधारणतया Ex:  Catholic Liturgy The first part of the Divine Office, containing a number of psalms and lessons that are ordinarily say the night उ: साधारणतया यह जनतंत्र पहाड़ी है। सामान्यत- Ex:  Formerly, one who commanded in Italy for the Eastern emperors, and ordinarily resident in Ravenna
ExamplesUsage of Ordinarily in sentences
The word can be used as verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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