Ourselves meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Ourselves
As noun : अपने आप को Ex:  We should not exposed ourselves to ultraviolet radiation.
श्र्वज Ex:  These are stresses that we generate ourselves in our minds . स्वयम् Ex:  It still means Irresolution in which we find ourselves when no one knows what to do, nor which way to get out of some difficult not हम स्वंय Ex:  Nature commands us not to do to others what we would not want that we should be done to ourselves
Other : स्वयम Ex:  In fact, we ourselves are made up of carbon compounds . उ:   उनहोने स्वयम भी साहित्य अकादेमि सम्मान लाभ किया है। हम खुद Ex:  Lease in part or in full what we ourselves have taken हम स्वयं Ex:  Species seat suspended by ropes, on which we place ourselves to be swayed in the air हम Ex:  Taking on ourselves also means intransitively, Refrain, do violence, to force उ:   हम जो बोते हैं वो काटते हैं।
Ourselves ki paribhasha : apane ko shreshth maanane ki ya badppan ki bhaavana
Usage of Ourselves in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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