Out meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Out
As noun : अंकुरना Ex:  She wants to come out of the ruck and establish herself as a leader.
अंटागुड़ागुड़ Ex:  Roll out the pizza dough. अचात्रु Ex:  He also got out at last. अछरना Ex:  Take that stick out of your mouth . अनहोनी Ex:  He attacked him out of no where. अनुपस्थित Ex:  John did the painting, the weeding, and he cleaned out the gutters उ:   इसमें मात्र एक प्रोटॉन ही होता है और न्यूट्रॉन अनुपस्थित होता है। अनेड़ा Ex:  My friends freaked out when they saw my shaven head. अपह्नृति Ex:  I see you have had to let out your trousers . अप्रचरित Ex:  He carrys out his model. अप्रचलित Ex:  he went out to have a look अयाथार्यिक Ex:  The tiles in the bathroom were out of alignement. अलग्ग Ex:  The two sets of traffic lights were out of phase. अवगनना Ex:  she cried out savagely असंभ Ex:  She did it out of malice. असंभव Ex:  The old values have been wiped out उ:   सबके लिए यह काम असंभव साबित हुआ। आउट Ex:  During the communal violance arson broke out in the area. उ:   उधर आधी टीम आउट हो चूकी थी। आरात् Ex:  His hair and teeth fell out इद्ध Ex:  The organizers pulled out all the stops for the centennial meeting इनकिशाफ Ex:  He retched at the rotten smell and ran to the out side. इस्यू किया हुआ Ex:  the prisoners came out one by one उज्त्र Ex:  I let out the back room to someone . उत्थ Ex:  hew out a path in the rock उदगीर्ण Ex:  We rent out our apartment to tourists every year उदभासित Ex:  Two sentences have been crossed out from the paragraph. उदभिन्न Ex:  he came out of nowhere उद्गगत Ex:  He was taken out by his tougher competitor. उद्गगम Ex:  Felt was persuaded to come out by his family उद्गगमन Ex:  Stamp out poverty! उद्दोतित Ex:  The police routed them out of bed at 2 A.M. उरेपु Ex:  The government eked out the grants for the students. ऊआनापु Ex:  It wouldn't go in, and what was in wouldn't come out . ऊगर Ex:  �Then it was as if the entire sea had come out after them . ओलग Ex:  Mangoes are stoned out before lating. कंदलित Ex:  The terrorists mercilessly gouged out the eyers of the captives. कठठना Ex:  I hope I work out at the factory . कम Ex:  He ruled him out of the team. उ:   अददों का कम होना ध्यान की स्पष्टता की एक शर्त है। कश्फ Ex:  The teacher took the children out of the classroom केनिपात, केनिपातक Ex:  In the past, factories had short funnels to let out smoke खत्म होना Ex:  Pud Thurlow was run out for 0. Lara's 400 not out against England in 2004 खलकाना Ex:  The man whipped out a knife. खाँगो Ex:  He apologized and sidled out of the room. गलत Ex:  The lightbulbs blew out उ:   गलत प्रविष्टियां बैंक को सूचित करें। गिर जाना Ex:  Jawans are trooping out of the camps. गैरमुमकिन Ex:  They scurried in out of the cold. घटबढ़ Ex:  They came out unharmed from their misadventure. चला गय् Ex:  Investigators examining the wreckage of the aircraft have not ruled out Sabotage. चूँचरा Ex:  Nine out of ten children got good percentage. छुच्छ Ex:  The Nazis snuffed out the life of many Jewish children छेहडा Ex:  The troops pulled out after the cease-fire छोहनार Ex:  Alexander pulled out his rivals from the battle field. जगमग Ex:  wring out the washcloth जड़वत Ex:  He leased out the house. जुहूरा Ex:  platoons of tourists poured out of the busses जोर से Ex:  Water spurted out from the geyser. टालमटूल Ex:  all day long, he mindlessly filled out forms टिल्जेबाजी Ex:  Noah looked out of the ark. ढँढरच Ex:  smoke out the bees तुमकना Ex:  She mapped out her ideas for the new project. दरकिनार Ex:  Just after having her meal, she spewed out all. दूर Ex:  The soldiers fanned out उ:   यह इन्दौर से ९९ किमी दूर स्थित है। नष्टचेतन Ex:  She is completely with out shame. नष्टसंज्ञ Ex:  Smooth out the clothes. नामुमकिन Ex:  We have the plains at the out skirts of the town. निकलना Ex:  We couldn’t get out of the store. निकला हुआ Ex:  it was elaborately spelled out निषिद्ध Ex:  Ram proved out to be a scab. उ:   मध्ययुग में ईसाइयों और यहूदियों के विवाह कानून द्वारा निषिद्ध थे। निह्नवन Ex:  After I fell, I must have blacked out . प्रकट होना Ex:  Her brother bombed out the year before . प्रकटीभवन Ex:  Good weather brings out the best in me . प्रकाशित Ex:  Finally, the fires burned themselves out . उ:   ’बी चुहिया‘ उनकी प्रथम प्रकाशित कहानी थी। प्रद्युतित Ex:  He burned out the motor . प्रभासी Ex:  She carved the insides out . फरके Ex:  John cased the girls out . फरक्क ‡ Ex:  He climbed out very carefully . फेरफार Ex:  Harry dashed out for some cigarettes . बहाना Ex:  We farmed out the kids . बिहोस Ex:  She nosed out the car . बीकट Ex:  The teacher ordered out all the kids . बुझा हुआ Ex:  Ann is really out to lunch these days . बेआज Ex:  He paraded out all his children . बेसँभर Ex:  When he got the news, he passed out . बेहोश Ex:  It poked out its antennae . उ:   बोल्ट की मदद से पशुओ को बेहोश किया जाता है। भलहल Ex:  They slung out their nets . मुंछार Ex:  Jane punched out the stickers . मुरछावंत Ex:  After studying very hard, he quizzed out . मुहाल Ex:  I've got John figureured out . मृषार्थक Ex:  Dave was scoping out all the girls . मोचना Ex:  I scratched out John and forgot about him . रसाना Ex:  They smoked out the crooks . रालना Ex:  Karen snuffed out the f lames one by one . वर्जित Ex:  He said “thanks a bunch” and walked out . उ:   इसमें दूध, तेल या घी का सेवन वर्जित है। विदीपित Ex:  Karen wrote out her objections . विनिः सरण Ex:  You should X Tom out . विप्रोषित Ex:  But the Babbits are X'd out . विमूर्छित Ex:  Wilbur gets zerked out every weekend . विस्खलित Ex:  When the Chinese Civil War broke out विस्तुर Ex:  Payne was deported and riots broke out in Bridgetown वुकूअ Ex:  Revolts broke out in Swabia श्चोत, श्चोतन, श्च्योत, श्च्योतन Ex:  Lawrence River, and out to the Atlantic Ocean. श्रवना Ex:  Pointing out that "Professor Bernard Quatermass. श्रावना Ex:  Children were sent out of town. श्वेतकाकीय Ex:  When the Korean War broke out संप्रकाशित Ex:  Additional Allied attacks out of Telnitz were checked by French artillery. संप्रज्वलित Ex:  As Thomas Asbridge points out समुज्जृंभण Ex:  Rome grew out of the Servian Wall साफ़ Ex:  When he was hired out to a Mr. उ:   पाश्चात् देशों में सरकार और तंत्र में साफ़ अन्तर है। सामने आना Ex:  Douglass brought out Life and Times of Frederick Douglass सोदधित्व Ex:  She turned out to be correct. स्फुरत् Ex:  When World War I broke out स्रस्तगात्र Ex:  When the tenth batsmen is out स्वप्नांत Ex:  Batsmen cannot be out bowled स्वल्पेच्छ Ex:  They cannot be out bowled हड़ताल पर Ex:  In his next start, on July 19, he struck out 11 in seven innings हतचेत Ex:  Koufax finally listened and struck out the side. हतज्ञान Ex:  He was knocked out in the second inning हृस्व Ex:  It also carries out tasks as directed by the UN Security Council
As verb : उदगारना Ex:  More accurately they were trying to flush out Norma Desmond". निसरवाना, निसराना Ex:  Suddenly the lights blacked out . परिकर्ष, परिकर्षण Ex:  I blanked out your question . बाहर निकालना Ex:  Perry lives out in the boonies with his parents .
As adverb : बहिरत ‡ Ex:  They froze out the newcomers . बहिर् Ex:  Tom went out for baseball . बहीर ‡ Ex:  The teacher handed the tests out to the students . बाहर Ex:  They were all knocked out by midnight . उ:   बड़े इमामबाड़े के बाहर ही रूमी दरवाजा बना हुआ है। वहिः Ex:  Look out for John and his friends . वारै Ex:  He struggled and struggled and wormed out . सितारा मछली
Other : के बाहर Ex:  She mapped out her ideas for the new project. ख़तम या अंत Ex:  The sculptor carved out a torso. गिर-जाना Ex:  He pulled out live coals from the furnace. घर नहीं Ex:  He turned out to be a shyster. जोर-से Ex:  How are you making out with your boss? बदर Ex:  He fanned out the cards . बाह्य Ex:  Stop needling me about eating out . उ:   बाह्य कंकाल का मुख एक ढक्कन से बन्द रहता है।
Out ki paribhasha : niboo, imali, aama, anaar ya aaanvale aadi kisi khatte phal ke ras ko gaadha karake banaaya hua ek padaarth jo atynt khatta hota hai jo grahan ke ayogy thaharaaya gaya ho desha, kaal ya snbndh aadi ke vichaar se bahut antar par ek kaavyaalnkaar jisamen yah dikhaaya jaay ki jo baat ho gai hai usaka hona asnbhav tha jo prakaash men aa chuka ho kisi baat se bachane ya koi matalab nikaalane ke liye apane snbndh men koi jhooth baat kahana vah aadami jo kuean ki jagat par mot ka paani ulatata hai
Usage of Out in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb, adverb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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