Out of court meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Out of court
As noun : अनुपयुक्त Ex:  The case was settled out of court with a $3 million payment.
अभोक्तव्य Ex:  By extension, it means Examination of parts made out of court by a judge who makes a report to the designated day विभ्रष्ट Ex:  Turn the parties out of court and trial Stopping the trial, refer the parties because the judge found that there was no need to rule on their requests legally
Other : न्यायालय बाह्य Ex:  In terms of Palace Put out of court, out of court and trial Returning the parties or one party, because it there is no need to issue legally, because there is no reason to plead
Usage of Out of court in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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