Out of meaning in hindi
As noun : के कारण Ex: Water spewed out of the hole.
As adverb :
के बाहर Ex: ram is expelled out of district by police. के बिना Ex: Children came out of their classes when the school bell clanged. तँ Ex: The robbers skedaddled out of the club. तईँ Ex: He beguiled her out of leaving . तैँ Ex: Come out of your shell, Tom . त्या Ex: The people f lowed out of the stadium exits . दै Ex: Finally, Ted grew out of his bedwetting . पर से Ex: Our efforts are out of sync . ब Ex: Tears welled up out of the baby's eyes . से दूरी पर Ex: Topology, which grew out of geometry से बाहर Ex: While out of the country in 2000 से Ex: Reporters Without Borders ranked Benin 53rd out of 169 countries. उ: यह चारोँ मोटे मोटे दिवारो से घीरा हैं। सेँति, सेँती Ex: The name Tel Aviv was chosen in 1910 out of many suggestions हुंता Ex: Modern Sweden emerged out of the Kalmar Union formed in 1397 हुते Ex: Jewish lawyers and judges were dragged out of their offices and courtrooms
Other : में से Ex: Coopers Brewery moved out of Leabrook in 2001
Out of ki paribhasha : kaamadev ki patni ka naam
ExamplesUsage of Out of in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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