Outcome meaning in hindi
As noun : अनुवर्तन Ex: speculations about the outcome of the election
अपरिणाम Ex: He was anxious about the uncertainity of outcome of the meeting. अभ्याश Ex: What was the outcome of your meeting with the Board of Directors. उन्नाय Ex: The election outcome is a forgone conclusion. खातिमा Ex: They have an appriori experience i.e. deducting the outcome of an activity. खामियाजा Ex: they awaited news of the outcome खामियाजा Ex: they awaited news of the outcome छनछेप Ex: I wouldn't want to wager on the outcome . नतीजा Ex: The outcome was that France relinquished its ancient उ: नतीजा जनजीवन ठहर सा गया। निष्कर्ष Ex: The outcome is similar उ: निष्कर्ष - सत्य कभी एकदेशीय नहीं होता। परमफल Ex: Naturally, an experiment can have only one outcome परिणाम Ex: Its outcome was celebrated by gay rights advocates उ: प्रयोग के परिणाम आश्चर्य चकित करने वाले थे। परीणाम Ex: The outcome was never in doubt. फैज Ex: With the outcome of the Vietnam War still in question मनफल Ex: The outcome of the three body problem मूलतत्व Ex: Such an outcome was avoided as battle lines stabilized in 1999. After that विजृंभित Ex: Another outcome has been the formation of public sociology विपरिणति Ex: One outcome of this new approach was the "" storyline in Batman #404-407 विस्फूर्जित Ex: With the outcome of the National v. सन्निबध Ex: Failing a military outcome समुन्नय Ex: The army saw this outcome as unacceptable. समुन्नय Ex: The army saw this outcome as unacceptable. साति Ex: Regression is also a likely outcome in such situations . सानुबंध Ex: Antique Last part of a Greek tragedy, which, after leaving the choir, contained the outcome हुसूल Ex: Bring the outcome
Other : आख़िर Ex: What will be the outcome of the war? आख़िरकार Ex: Call the outcome of an election फल Ex: " As postponing treatment may affect long-term outcome उ: फल का यह रूप क्रिया के द्वारा स्थिर होता है।
Outcome ki paribhasha : vanaspati men honevaala vah bich athava poshak dravy ya goode se paripoorn bijakosh jo kisi vishisht RRitu men phoolon ke aane ke baad utpann hota hai raaja ka apane laabh ya kar aadi ke liye praja ko duःkh dena ek roop ya avastha ko chhodkar doosare roop ya avastha ko praapt hona
ExamplesUsage of Outcome in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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