Outgrowth meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Outgrowth
As noun : अनुवर्तन Ex:  The outgrowth of I/T industry is better salaries.
अपरिणाम Ex:  The Oz Film Manufacturing Company, which came as an outgrowth of the Uplifters. अपवृद्धि Ex:  Wars are a natural outgrowth of the free market and class system उ:   कार्य विशिष्टता, एक कार्य विवरण की एक तार्किक अपवृद्धि होती है। अभ्याश Ex:  A natural outgrowth of this was a satellite launching program खातिमा Ex:  It is said by analogy, in terms of Botany, the outgrowth that occurs on a bush where a branch was broken, where the bark was incised खामियाजा Ex:  It is said, by analogy, in terms of Botany, a woody outgrowth coming to the trunks and branches of some trees परमफल Ex:  It means, in terms of Ophthalmology, an outgrowth that forms on the cornea of the eye परिणाम Ex:  LEEK also means an outgrowth coming on the skin, especially the hands उ:   हिन्दू-जर्मन क्रियाकलापों के परिणाम दूरगामी रहे। परीणाम Ex:  Numbness in terms of Art veterinarian means a membranous outgrowth that eye doctors call Fingernail फैज Ex:  outgrowth of flesh, name that is given to certain very nature of tumors diverse मनफल Ex:  POLYP in terms of medicine, means an outgrowth or tumor diverse nature that comes in certain body parts and especially in cavities covered with mucous membranes विजृंभित Ex:  It came to his face that it took an outgrowth extricate विपरिणति विस्फूर्जित सन्निबध सानुबंध हुसूल
Other : उद्द्धर्ध Ex:  Botanical outgrowth that comes on the stems and leaves of many plants, extravasation of their juices, what happens when they have been bitten by some insect that lays its eggs are उद्धर्धन Ex:  fleshy outgrowth उद्व र्ध Ex:  galls, outgrowth ball-shaped, usually produced on oak leaves through the bite of an insect उद्वृद्धि Ex:  Gardening outgrowth shaped bulge which occurs on a sheet, in a root of a plant
Outgrowth ki paribhasha : ek roop ya avastha ko chhodkar doosare roop ya avastha ko praapt hona
Usage of Outgrowth in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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