Outpouring meaning in hindi
As noun : अंबुरय Ex: There was an outpouring of suggestions, schemes and ideas in that meeting.
उद्गार Ex: Between 1855 and 1867 an outpouring of great Verdi operas were to follow उ: उद्गार से भयंकर भूकम्प आते हैं। उपस्रवण Ex: An outpouring of Acadian art कूलंकष Ex: " Aaron received an outpouring of public support in response to the bigotry. गंगधार Ex: Their genuine outpouring of concern really touched me . छंछ Ex: The outpouring of wine in the sacrifices पुरोटि Ex: , A perpetual outpouring of ideas प्रवाह उ: इसके प्रवाह क्षेत्र में पूर्वी सरगुजा ज़िले हैं। बहुत ही ज्यादा उत्पादन मंदाक रँहि वाहल विष्यंद सांस्त्राविण सेझा
Other : ढुलकाव Ex: There was a great outpouring of blood in this battle
ExamplesUsage of Outpouring in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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