Overcast meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Overcast
As noun : आच्छादित Ex:  Sunny days are rare and overcast days are common. उ:   यह क्षेत्र ज्वार से आच्छादित तथा अनाच्छादित होता रहता है।
आछादित Ex:  For example, if purchases book has been overcast by Rs . निभृत परिस्तीर्ण पर्यावृत पिन्निय प्रतिवीत प्रत्यूढ लतावेष्टित वितत व्यावृत संतृण्ण
Other : आच्छन्न Ex:  Air humidity is 78% on average, while overcast is 165 days a year on average. घिर जाना Ex:  Black Cold, a cold that is accompanied by an overcast sky condition घिरा हुआ Ex:  It's a gray time or simply, it is gray, the weather is overcast and a little cool छा जाना मेघाच्छन्न मेघाच्छादन
Usage of Overcast in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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