Overtake meaning in hindi
As noun : आगे निकल जाना Ex:  Following World War II Rome's economic growth began to overtake its rivals
Other : अन्य यान से आगे निकलना Ex:  He increased his speed to overtake the car. आगे निकलना Ex:  He fled skillfully, but I will overtake जा पहुंचना Ex:  Take care that no one deceives you, we will overtake you जान लेना Ex:  He might run, I will overtake पहुंच जाना बराबर आ पहुंचना में अड़्चन पैदा करना से आगे बढ़ना
ExamplesUsage of Overtake in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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