Pact meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Pact
As noun : अनुबंध Ex:  The three musketeers made a pact that day saying,"All for one and one for all" उ:   इस बीच लुबिन के अनुबंध के बिना, ईस्टवुड संघर्ष कर रहे थे।
उपसंवाद Ex:  He made pact with me to divide the property. करारी Ex:  East Germany's military was the most advanced in the whole Warsaw pact बांड Ex:  Following the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact in September 1939 उ:   भारत सरकार की तरफ से भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक बांड जारी करेगा। समझाव, समझावा Ex:  Joining with an agreement, a pact समझौता Ex:  The past participle ALLY, EE, adjectively also works with a sense of who is united by an agreement, a political pact or by links resulting from marriage उ:   अन्यथा समझौता वार्तायें प्रभावहीन साबित होगी। सांकेत्य Ex:  Union between people, which is the result of an agreement or a pact
Other : गठबंधन Ex:  In November 1956 Syria signed a pact with the Soviet Union उ:   भारत में निम्नलिखित राजनैतिक दलों का गठबंधन है। पाशक करना Ex:  While the U.S. Congress was initially favorably disposed to the Panama pact पाशक Ex:  Latvia was forced to accept a "mutual assistance" pact with the Soviet Union प्रतिश्राव करना Ex:  The Franco-Soviet pact प्रतिश्राव Ex:  Regardless of the pact बंधेज Ex:  Despite the negotiation of a security pact मुआहिदा Ex:  As a result of Ribbentrop-Molotov pact वच Ex:  1929. The pact he drafted उ:   वाणी में मधुरता लाने तथा तोतलापन मिटाने में वच एक बेहतरीन बूटी वह। संविद Ex:  According to this pact संविदा Ex:  Agreement , pact that two or more parties make all उ:   वर्तमान संविदा की विशेषता उसकी कानूनी मान्यता है। सधिं Ex:  Breaking a pact समझौता करना Ex:  pact with the enemy
Pact ki paribhasha : vah sthaan jahaaan do chijen ek men milati hon niyat samay par aur niyat roop se milane ya diya jaanevaala padaarth ya dravy vyaakaran men shabd ke roop men vah vidhaan jisase ekatv aadi ka bodh hota hai vivaah men ek riti jisamen var aur badhou ke vastron ke chhor ko paraspar milaakar gaaanth baaandhate hain vidhi ya nishchay ke anukool praatibndh do vyaktiyon ya dalon men honevaali aisi pratigya ki amuk baat hone ya na hone par ham tumako itana dhan denge, athava tumase itana dhan lenge baat pit aur kaph men se jo apradhaan ho aapas ka vah nipataara jisamen donon pakshon ko kuchh na kuchh dabana ya svaarthatyaag karana pade
Usage of Pact in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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