Pair meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Pair
As noun : अंतरदेशीय Ex:  He was using a pair of cutters to cut the wire
अश्व युग्म Ex:  With the pair of shears in his hand he was looking like a gardener. जाँमल Ex:  Atul bought a pair of trousers. जुअल Ex:  Atul bought a pair of trousers. जुग्म Ex:  My brother wears a clumpsy pair of shoes. जूटि Ex:  I have a pair of seamed stockings. जोड़ा बना Ex:  She wore an imported pair of slippers. जोड़ा बनाना Ex:  A pair of otters slithered along playfully . जोड़ा लगाना Ex:  I want to buy this pair of jeans . जोड़ी Ex:  A twisted pair must be used with a balanced signalling system उ:   कम से कम एक जोड़ी कपड़े तो लेते ही हैं। जोड़ो में किस्त होना Ex:  The pair mates every day or two दम्पतिरूप में बँधना Ex:  No pair bond is formed दुइ Ex:  The males have modified pelvic fins which have become a pair of claspers. दुप Ex:  The defencemen usually stay together as a pair दूजण Ex:  This pair of chlorophyll molecules दो डाँड़ो से खेयी जानेवाली नाव Ex:  This is above and to the right of the pair on the diagram and is coloured grey. दो Ex:  The female Platypus has a pair of ovaries but only the left one is functional. उ:   दो लोगों का एक मिश्रण । नर माद् Ex:  A pair of wheels may be called a wheelset पति पत्नी Ex:  Fonda had planned on wearing a pair of brown-colored contact lenses परनाना Ex:  In all species, each pair lays a single egg per breeding season. पेअर Ex:  One pair of Northern Fulmars bred as a pair in the same site for 25 years. मिलवना Ex:  Synapsids developed a pair of holes in their skulls behind the eyes मिलाना Ex:  There is usually one pair of aortic arches. मुगदर Ex:  The pair successfully completed the mission objectives मेरवना Ex:  The main pair of eyes in jumping spiders even see in color. मेराना Ex:  The head supports a pair of sensory antennae मेलना Ex:  Beethoven therefore had to give the theme to a pair of bassoons युक्तक Ex:  For backup, the ship also has a pair of 250-kW diesel generators. युगल Ex:  Initially, examination of each pair of plates took about eight hours उ:   यह युगल मुख्यतः यॉर्क कॉटेज में ही रहते थे। युग्म Ex:  Bob and Carol still each have two pair उ:   लोथल से युग्म शवाधान के साक्ष्य मिले है । विवाह करना Ex:  This approximate conjunction usually results in a pair of transits शिश्न का प्रतिरूप Ex:  The last transit not to be part of a pair was in 1396. The next will be in 3089 हस्तधारण Ex:  We the Living was made into a pair of films हेव ‡ Ex:  Each distinct pair of communicating parties must
Other : जोड़ा Ex:  Twins were born to the pair in March 1898 उ:   ये वृक्क एक जोड़ा या कभी कभी दो जोड़ा होते हैं। जोडा खाना या लगाना Ex:  As each pair is eliminated जोडा मिलना Ex:  Encryption with one of the pair of semiweak keys जोडा़ Ex:  Alpha Centauri A and B are a closely tied pair of Sun-like stars उ:   जो वाहन अब बंद हो चुके हैं, उन्हें इस सूची में जोडा़ जा सकता है। जोडी़ Ex:  The pair were able to maintain their relationship जोड़ा मिलना Ex:  If a member of a pair is lost ठीक होना या करना Ex:  These performances led to a pair of highly successful live albums द्वय Ex:  The pair began writing songs together and recording demonstration tapes. पत Ex:  By 1934, the pair had once more re-envisioned the character. मिथुन Ex:  This pair finished 9 of the 17 races in the first two places. उ:   चतुर्थ पर मिथुन है। मुहैया Ex:  Sometimes one pair of eyes is better developed than the rest मैथुन करना Ex:  Its boundary is no longer a pair of circles संसर्ग करना Ex:  It also had a pair of distinctive three-pointed scutes behind the head.
Pair ki paribhasha : RRiddhi aur vraddhi naamak do oshadhiyaaan do bhinn prakaar ka svabhaav ya vratti ek padaarth men doosara padaarth dalana anyonyaashrit do vastuean ya baaten
Usage of Pair in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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