Paper meaning in hindi
As noun : अक्षरन्यास Ex: The teacher overemphasised on the theory paper
अखबारअ Ex: one paper scurrilously described how Edward was neglecting a bereaved mother to dance attendance on Wally आर्टिकिल Ex: amal samachar a hindi weekly news paper published from delhi कागज काटने की छुरी Ex: He tore the paper into shreds. कागज मेँ लपेटना Ex: We brought paper plates to distribute the savoury. कागज लगाना Ex: Throw the paper in the waste_basket कागज से मढना Ex: this paper was written jointly कागज़ Ex: An influential newspaper उ: राजनेताओं के लिए वह केवल कागज़ का शेर के अलावा कुछ भी नहीं। कागजात Ex: We fed the entire group with paper plates . उ: इसके साथ ही वो वहां तलाक के कागजात भेजता है। कागजी Ex: She marked the number down on the paper . उ: धातु के स्थान पर कागजी मुद्रा का प्रचलन हुआ। कोटेशन Ex: Mary punched a hole in the paper with her pencil . क्वेश्चनपेपर Ex: He ripped away the paper . टयलेट पेपर Ex: Kelly served the lemonade in paper cups . दिवार पर कागज मढनेवाला Ex: Two slips of paper were then presented to the participant and to the actor. दीवारी कागज Ex: The paper was based on theoretical analysis पट्रक Ex: In their original paper पर्चा Ex: It is possible for someone to take a paper without paying but very few do पेपर Ex: This paper can be either hand-made or made by industrialized machine. उ: पेपर मिल के इस भाग को पल्प मिल विभाग कहते हैं। पैँफ्लेट Ex: The Financial Times is the main business paper प्रमाण पट्र Ex: The paper "Altruism and War" which can be found here http://theroadtopeace. प्रश्नपट्र Ex: The Istanbul manuscript contains a paper on sundials प्रश्नपत्र Ex: The paper was rolled around by the typewriter's platen उ: परीक्षा में दो प्रश्नपत्र होते हैं। लिखत Ex: In his original paper लीफ्लेट Ex: Around the start of 1856 he told Darwin about Wallace's paper लेख Ex: In 1864 Wallace published a paper उ: इस लेख को और अच्छा करने में योगदान दें। लेख्य Ex: Her paper "The First Person" follows up remarks by Wittgenstein वर्णदूत Ex: He wrote his first paper वाक्यप्रबंध Ex: When he read a paper by Alfred Russel Wallace on the Introduction of species विनिमय साध्य Ex: Free copies of the paper are available online or at East Lansing newsstands. शोध पत्र Ex: Thus McAuliffe wrote on the paper delivered to the Germans: “NUTS! सब्त Ex: Almost all the characteristics described in Kanner's first paper on the subject समाचार पट्र वितरक Ex: The fifth paper in this series समाचार पट्र Ex: The first paper begins by defining set, subset, etc. कागजी मुद्रा पास उ: ये इण्डोनेशिया के पास स्थित है।
Other : अखबार Ex: He has given a good paper in the conference. उ: इस अखबार के शीर्ष भागों पर संत तुकाराम के वचन थे। कतरना Ex: I exchanged coins with paper money. कागज का बना हुआ Ex: Silver paper acts as a very good insulator. कागज पत्र Ex: cut the paper into strips for decoration. कागज मढना या चढाना Ex: He bought tissue paper for the toilet. कागज में लपेटना Ex: unsized paper कागज मढ़ना या चढ़ाना Ex: He chucked the bits of paper in the bin. कागज Ex: He crumpled up the paper . उ: यहाँ कागज का थोक बाजार है। कागजी-मुद्रा Ex: He folded the paper into a little bird . कागद Ex: Don't try to paper over the mess you have made . कागज़ Ex: They printed my letter in today's paper . दस्तावेज Ex: A reporter wrote me up for the Sunday paper . उ: इसमें महत्वपूर्ण अंतर्राष्ट्रीय दस्तावेज और जानकारी भी शामिल है। दस्तावेज़ Ex: Buée's paper was not published until 1806 पत्र Ex: The local Community paper has different issues for each local government area. उ: [प्रशस्ति पत्र की जरूरत]। लेखापत्र Ex: In his 1864 paper A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field समाचार पत्र Ex: Local newspaper publications include the English language The Herald समाचारपत्र Ex: The other important newspaper उ: यह हिन्दी, उर्दू में समाचारपत्र निकालता है। हुंडी आदि Ex: In another paper published in that same year
Paper ki paribhasha : sana, rooi, patue, baaansa, lakadi aadi ko pisakar ya sadakar banaaya hua patr jisapar akshar likhe ya chhaape jaate hain kisi kaaryaalay ka vishesh rajistar likhit saamagri pramaan aadi ke liye upayogi vah kaagaj jisamen do ya kai aadamiyon ke bich ke vapyavahaar ki baat likhi ho aur jisapar vyavahaar karanevaalon ke dastakhat hon jisaka gheraa, lapet athava chaudai kam ho jo likha jaane ko ho bhedon ke baal katarane ki kainchi ka dasta vah patr jisapar parikshaarthiyon se poochhe jaanevaale prashn ankit rahate hain tamassuka, sanad ya aur koi lekh jo kaagaj par likha ho vah kabootar jo bilakul saphed ho
ExamplesUsage of Paper in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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