Paradox meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Paradox
As noun : विडम्बना Ex:  This paradox is known as the Duality Paradox. उ:   विडम्बना यह है कि नानी-दमन बड़ा है।
विरोधाभास Ex:  Using this principle, the paradox does not arise. उ:   यह विरोधाभास आइन्सटाइन के नाम से जुडा हुआ है। विरोधाभासी Ex:  The paradox is named after the 14th century French philosopher Jean Buridan. उ:   " यह अपने-आप में विरोधाभासी वाक्य है। विरोधोक्ति Ex:  The paradox was, however, not originated by Buridan himself.
Other : असत्याभास Ex:  This paradox was resolved in 1990 उलटवासी Ex:  Lévi-Strauss sees a basic paradox in the study of myth. उ:   बेतुकी कविता का साहित्यिक नाम उलटवासी है। उलटी बात Ex:  It is often expressed by the paradox wei wu wei
Paradox ki paribhasha : ek arthaalnkaar jisamen jaati, guna, kriya aur dravy ka virodh dikhaayi padta hai
Usage of Paradox in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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