Paranoid meaning in hindi
As adjective : उन्मत्तक Ex: Bob's a little paranoid . ऊमंती Ex: Psychosis may involve delusional beliefs, some of which are paranoid in nature. खीपट निर्दट, निर्दड पागल उ: दिल तो पागल है को बहुत अधिक सफलता मिली। बौड़हा मदकल सिड़बिला, सिड़बिल्ला सोन्मद, सोन्माद हरिप्रिय हावलाबावला
Other : व्यामोहाभ व्यामोहाभास
ExamplesUsage of Paranoid in sentences
The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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