Parents meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Parents
As noun : अभिभाव Ex:  adoptive parents
अभिभावक Ex:  agitated parents उ:   अभिभावक और बड़े अपने बच्चों पर दबाव ना बनाएं । अभिभावुक Ex:  I remember my parting from my parents when I was a child. अवाक्ष Ex:  Their obedience to their parents is unquestioning. गार्जियन Ex:  proud parents गुहेर Ex:  Reenas parents tried to pressurise her to marry Ravi. गोधरे Ex:  The parents had the child baptized सरपरस्त Ex:  1854. His parents were Edwin Randolph Page and Olivia Page .
Other : जनक Ex:  loving parents उ:   इनके जन्मस्थान और जनक के नाम अज्ञात हैं। मात Ex:  In my childhood,I craved for my parents attention. मातापिता Ex:  Step parents are often inconsiderate. उ:   नरेन्द्र के मातापिता के वंशज उत्तर भारत से हैदराबाद आ गए थे। वालिदैन Ex:  Verdi's parents moved from Piacenza to Busseto
Parents ki paribhasha : koi poojy ya aadaraniy badi mahila mithila ke ek raajavnsh ki upaadhi jad arthat stnbhit kar denevaala
Usage of Parents in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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