Park meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Park
As noun : अमराय Ex:  There is a big park in our colony.
आसदन Ex:  The park has a peaeful ambience. आस्या Ex:  The park gave way to a supermarket उझंटना Ex:  I go for a jog in the park every morning. उझाँटना Ex:  vandalize the park उदियान Ex:  They ceded the land to the city for a park . उद्धान Ex:  The driver stopped the car and placed it in park . उद्धुंधन Ex:  Hey, park it! You're in the way . उद्यान Ex:  We stopped off for a while at the park . उ:   यहांं पार्क व उद्यान बनाए गए हैं। उपवन Ex:  The city council zoned the vacant lot as a park . उ:   उपवन मूलतः संस्कृत का शब्द है। कृत्रिमवन Ex:  They zoned off land for a park . कृत्रिमवन Ex:  They zoned off land for a park . क्षेट्रअ Ex:  The park participates in the Junior Ranger Program. खड़ी करना Ex:  Algiers also has the first water park in the country. खियाबाँ Ex:  Nose Hill Park is the largest municipal park in Canada. गलिस्ताँ Ex:  Cuatro Torres Business Area is a business park currently under construction. गाड़ी खड़ी करना Ex:  The pioneering ecological theme park Faunia गाड़ी खड़े करने का स्थान Ex:  A prominent feature of the 229-square-mile park is Zion Canyon गार्डेन Ex:  The park is located in southwestern Utah in Washington उ:   गार्डेन भी पर्यटकों को अपनी तरफ आकर्षित कर रहा है। गुलकदा Ex:  Lodging in the park is available at Zion Lodge चोड़ना Ex:  South and Watchman at the far south side of the park छनकान Ex:  Pitching in this park छोड़ना Ex:  Firsties are allowed to park their cars on campus जमा देना Ex:  Near Central Park is the Rubén Darío park झेकना Ex:  There is also a park dedicated to the Guatemalan writer Miguel Ángel Asturias. झोखना Ex:  The Internet can then be accessed from such places as a park bench. तिजइना Ex:  A park is a bounded area of land तियागना Ex:  The world's first public park was Birkenhead Park in the centre of Birkenhead दरगुजरना Ex:  A linear park is a park that has a much greater length than width. दुर्मावलि Ex:  The term park is also used in reference to industrial areas नंषना Ex:  The word park may also be used in community names निषदन Ex:  This park is located near the tourist attractions of Baker Street परिवर्जन, परिवर्ज्जन Ex:  Other attractions in the park include the Tropical Ravine पार्क बनाना Ex:  Badlands National Park was created in 1978. The park features a highly eroded पार्क Ex:  Yosemite Valley represents only one percent of the park area उ:   अंबेडकर पार्क में भी छात्राएं धरने पर बैठ गई । प्रमदकानन Ex:  The Tuolumne River drains the entire northern portion of the park प्रमूकना Ex:  The park also contains approximately 3,200 lakes प्रमोदवन Ex:  A park bill passed both houses of the U.S. Congress बइटठाना ‡ Ex:  Access to the park by tourists improved in the early years of the park बइसना Ex:  In 1903, a dam in the northern portion of the park was proposed. बईठना Ex:  In the early years of the park बखोरना ‡ Ex:  Most park visitors stay just for the day बगीचा Ex:  Otter Creek Park is another large park nearby. उ:   यह बगीचा दस एकड़ तक फैला हुआ है। बगीछा Ex:  A well-known site in Ouagadougou is the Bangr-Weoogo urban park . बग्ग Ex:  Noweadays it is entirley a park with a Biergarten at the Chinese Pagoda. बठूसना Ex:  The city's oldest park is the Hofgarten बठ्चना Ex:  Another notable park is Ostpark बनबारी Ex:  The entire length of the north side of the park was less than बिरराना Ex:  Herăstrău is a large public park located in the north of the city बुसतान Ex:  The Vestereng park facility is also a site for large popular music concerts. बुसतान Ex:  The Vestereng park facility is also a site for large popular music concerts. बेसना Ex:  The park is the centerpiece of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem बैठना Ex:  Forest fires occur in the park each year उ:   इनका जन्म लग्न में शुभ होकर बैठना अति उत्तम फलदायी रहेगा। बोसताँ Ex:  The park is located at the headwaters of the Yellowstone River भ्रंश, भ्रंस Ex:  His birthplace in Oakville dedicated a park in his honor in 1996 मुंचना Ex:  Colter passed through a portion of what later became the park मुकलना Ex:  Langford lacked the means to improve the land or properly protect the park मुक्काना Ex:  Today, Harry Yount is considered the first national park ranger. मूकना Ex:  1,000 automobiles per year were entering the park मृगकानन Ex:  In the northwest section of the park मृगकानन Ex:  In the northwest section of the park मेल्हना Ex:  The park is 63 miles north to south, and 54 miles west to east by air. मोकना Ex:  Forests comprise 80% of the land area of the park मोकलना Ex:  The park sits on the Yellowstone Plateau मोक्षण Ex:  There are 290 waterfalls of at least 15 feet in the park मोचना Ex:  3,000 minor earthquakes were detected in the northwestern section of the park मोषण Ex:  There are almost 60 species of mammals in the park वइठना Ex:  Newer additions to Paris' park landscape are the Parc de la Villette वाटक Ex:  The park hosts athletic, tourist, and cultural activities. वाटक Ex:  The park hosts athletic, tourist, and cultural activities. वृक्षवाटिका, वृक्षवाटी Ex:  The park covers 5,219 mi² संत्यजन Ex:  Within the park there are two major valleys: Death Valley and Panamint Valley संप Ex:  Sand dunes in the park सन्निवेश Ex:  The park has a diverse and complex geologic history. सन्यासन Ex:  In the Camillus park and some communities समासर्जन Ex:  The park was expanded under Frederick William III समुत्सर्ग Ex:  In a New York City park
Other : अड्डे पर खडा़ करना Ex:  he was charged with rolling drunks in the park इकठ्ठा करना Ex:  The park was completely deserted by this time in the evening. क्रीडावन Ex:  In this national park क्रीड़ावन Ex:  The theme park will open March 15 खड़ा करना Ex:  Sixteen species of bats live in the park खडा करना Ex:  Edinburgh Zoo is a non-profit zoological park located in Corstorphine. खडा़ करना Ex:  The park has professional management for the daily maintenance of public roads खड़ाकरना Ex:  Behind the museum is a small park पडा़व Ex:  United States, is the long-time home to Sesame Street theme park Sesame Place. पार्क करना Ex:  New York's Adirondack Park is the largest state park in the United States. पड़ाव Ex:  Yosemite Valley and the Mariposa Grove were ceded to California as a state park बाग़ Ex:  Most of the Imperial cavalry was placed at the south end of the park उ:   उसने सिंचाई के लिए नहरें खुदवायीं तथा बाग़ लगवाए। बाडे मे घेरना Ex:  As the Swiss columns advanced towards the park बाड़े में घेरना Ex:  Parque Eduardo VII is the largest park located in the centre of the city भारी तोपखाना Ex:  These park figures were lower than those reported in 2004 रमना Ex:  Minnesota's first state park हाता Ex:  There are around 2,000 known Anasazi archaeological sites in park boundaries. उ:   संगमरमर, जिप्सम, ताँबा तथा टैवरटाइन का भी लत्खनन हाता है।
Park ki paribhasha : kisi tal ke sab or ke baahari kinaare ghar ke bich ki kothariyon aur baraamadon se ghira hua vah chaukhooanta sthaan jisake oopar kisi prakaar ki chhaajan na ho vah hara bhara sthaan jahaaan pashu charane ke liय़े chhod diye jaate hai kisi vastu par ya kisi vastu ke andar doosari vastu sthit karana badh karanevaala samaas men prayukt kisi pakadi hui vastu ko prathak karana oopar gaya ya nikala hua putthe ke bal kisi sthaan par is prakaar jamana ki dhad oopar ko sidha rahe aur pair ghutane par se mudkar dihare ho jaayan dharati ka vah lnba chaud vibhaag jo bhaarat ke uttar sthit desh vishesh kon
Usage of Park in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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