Partnership meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Partnership
As noun : इजमाल Ex:  effective language learning is a partnership between school, teacher and student
इश्तिराक Ex:  Ken set the company up as a partnership . भागीदारी Ex:  Tel Aviv is twinned with 25 cities and has a partnership with Los Angeles उ:   इसमें जर्मनी और चीन की भागीदारी खास थीं। संविभजन Ex:  In partnership with Arthur Morris सझिदारी Ex:  The Forest of Belfast is a partnership between government and local groups साझा Ex:  In partnership with Gardiner Hubbard उ:   इसे ईसा मसीह के पैशन के साथ साझा करें। साझेदारी Ex:  Montreal has partnership उ:   यह प्रसिद्ध साझेदारी विवाह मे परिणित हुई। सौँझ Ex:  Throughout the partnership
Other : पट्टी Ex:  In Melbourne, he entered into partnership with the architect Frederick Grey. उ:   इसका प्रयोग सड़क निर्माण, उड़ान पट्टी निर्माण इत्यादि में होता है। भागिता Ex:  The Lawson–Salmonde partnership would not last long. भागीदार Ex:  Standard Oil began as an Ohio partnership formed by John D. Rockefeller उ:   ये अनेक सामाजिक और नागरिक अनर्हताओं के भागीदार हैं। शराकत Ex:  Woods is 3-2 in singles matches and 10-10 in partnership matches शामिलात Ex:  In a crucial partnership with Archie Jackson शिरकत Ex:  His record partnership of 388 with Bill Ponsford decimated the English attack. उ:   जिसमें दूर-दूर से लोग आकर शिरकत करते हैं। सहभागिता Ex:  The famous partnership was transferred to the men's sons उ:   इस प्रकार के शिक्षण में छात्रों की सहभागिता बनी रहती है ।
Partnership ki paribhasha : kisi vastu men bhaag paane ka adhikaar
Usage of Partnership in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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