Paste meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Paste
As noun : कांच का मसाला Ex:  When we add water to the paste we get a drink.
चिपकाना Ex:  Please paste down the edges . मछली मांस की चटनी Ex:  In terms of painting, paste लषटा Ex:  It also said the paste that ferments लेई Ex:  It still says the same paste which is made plain cardboard and used to manufacture various other items उ:   पानी तो निथर कर बह जाता है और साफ नील लेई के रूप में लगा रह जाता है। सटाना Ex:  Kind paste passed the industry, thin and long, that is put into the soup
Other : अहार Ex:  Dry rind paste of orange is good for skin. पिट्ठी Ex:  It is used to make balls of paste that are dipped in sauces. पेस्ट Ex:  Action paste उ:   इसे ताऊन, , पेस्ट आदि नाम भी दिए गए हैं। लसदार मिश्रण Ex:  It also said the soup made with this paste लेई लगाना Ex:  It also says the things that are in the mouth the same effect as would paste लेप Ex:  Kind light pastry made of a cheese paste उ:   इस अवसर पर मूर्ति को लेप लगाकर पवित्र किया जाता है। लैपी Ex:  Kind of very light pastry, made with scalded paste and gives himself primarily as food for birds
Paste ki paribhasha : gili ya paani aadi ke saath mili hui vastu jisaki tah kisi vastuo ke oopar phailaakar chadhaayi jaay vah nichi bhoomi jisamen paani bahut din na tike do chijon ki ek men snyukt karana paani men ghule hue kisi choorn ko gaadha karake banaaya hua lasila padaarth jise uangalo se uthaakar chaat saken kisi lasili vastu ko bich men dekar do vastuon ko paraspar is prakaar jodna ki ve jaldi alag na ho saken
Usage of Paste in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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