Path meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Path
As noun : अपवाड़ Ex:  On both sides of the path are the timbered huts.
उपनिष्कर Ex:  The path to the fort goes through the dense undergrowth. एवेन्यू Ex:  A deflection was noticed in the path of comet.
The deflection of the compass was noticed by the surveyor.
कार्यप्रणाली Ex:  He followed a path where no man had trod before. उ:   इससे उस तन्त्र की कार्यप्रणाली को आसानी से समझने में सुविधा होती है। खुल्लम Ex:  The path was smooth. गैर Ex:  They ambled along the path . उ:   वे एक गैर परम्परावादी राजनयिक थे। गैल Ex:  The talking path was a physical, metallic one. उ:   गैल के अध्यक्ष एचएस चीमा को अपनी नौकरी गंवानी पड़ी। चलणा Ex:  Americans chose the path of peace after this loss. चहीला Ex:  A tornado was once reported to have a damage path only 7 feet long. झीर Ex:  In terms of path length डहरि Ex:  The Qing Dynasty tried to follow a middle path तरीक Ex:  The person who chooses the bodhisattva path makes a vow/pledge. द्रोणगंधिका Ex:  Its orbital path carried it rapidly into the southern skies धूर्तमानुषा Ex:  "Now more than ever, I am obliged to move Venezuela's path towards socialism". निघृष्व Ex:  Mississippi, in the path of the eyewall as it made landfall. पंथड़ा Ex:  Electricity travels mostly along the path of least resistance पगड्ंअडी Ex:  Because of its location in the path of major sea routes पथत् Ex:  With sufficient current flowing through the transistor's base-emitter path पथिन् Ex:  The storm dropped heavy rainfall along its path पांसुवावक Ex:  Throughout its entire path पादपद्धति Ex:  The latter path was championed by Slavophiles पेंड Ex:  It then rejoins the old path near North Gates. प्रदिपद् Ex:  Britain took the same path प्रध्वन Ex:  The hurricane's path turned northeast as it crossed Florida प्रपाथ Ex:  Meanwhile Comet Dutta was following its predicted path . मारुंड Ex:  A path full of stones मार्ग Ex:  A path that forks उ:   दूसरा मार्ग है हवाई मार्ग। रास्ता Ex:  A path that makes the fork, which branches; Passage of an increasingly narrow उ:   सूखे तने गिरकर रास्ता बंद कर देते हैं। राह Ex:  A rocky path उ:   बदरी-केदार की राह में कई प्रयाग आते है। रोड Ex:  a safe path उ:   इसका नजदीकी रेल्वे स्टेशन भभुआ रोड है। वट्ट Ex:  A well equal path वट्टा Ex:  A wide path वतू Ex:  After we stopped for a moment, we continued our path वर्तनि Ex:  Asking the way, his path वर्तम Ex:  astray, away from the path वर्त्मनि Ex:  By extension, this path leads to such a place, We will, in this way, at such place वाक्सरणि Ex:  By taking this path, you will shorten your path of many वाटड़ी Ex:  cailloutage path वीवध Ex:  Clearing a path, a path संचरणी Ex:  Communication line, path by which an army communicates with its deposits, its stores, its reserves सड़क Ex:  Continue your path उ:   सड़क की स्थिति भी आवागमन के लिए बेहतर है। सरणि, सरणी Ex:  Diverting someone his path सिरात Ex:  elliptically, shortest, the shortest path सृंका Ex:  elliptically, Take longer, go to some held by the longer path स्थलमार्ग Ex:  Employee absolutely Network means a path Set Iron पथ उ:   आज होडल शहर विकास के पथ पर है।
Other : अयन Ex:  he heard the crunch of footsteps on the gravel path उ:   अयन की गति के कारण यह बिंदु स्थिर नहीं है। कर्म Ex:  The path was full of dried twigs. उ:   हर इंसान को अपने कर्म भुगतने ही पड़ते हैं। गमत Ex:  The path snakes in the hilly areas. गलियारा Ex:  Bad company strayed him from the path of honesty. डगर Ex:  It holds records for longest path length उ:   यह डगर कहीं आसान तो कहीं बहुत कठिन है। ढर्रा Ex:  The optimal such path defines the combinatorial-extension alignment. पंथ Ex:  The tornado left a path of destruction 1 to 2 miles wide उ:   उन्होंने खालसा पंथ की नींव रखी। पगडण्डी Ex:  Heat transfer is a path function , as opposed to a point function . बाट Ex:  A path amount मग Ex:  A path difficult उ:   इससे ये मग ब्राह्मिन ‘‘अबोटी मग ब्राह्मिन’’ नामसे पहेचाने जाने लगे।
Path ki paribhasha : soory ya chndrama ki dakshin se uttar ya uttar se dakshin ki gati ya pravratti jisako uttaraayan aur dakshinayan kahate hain ek prakaar ke shaakadvipi braahman jo sooryopaasak the vyavahaar ya kaary aadi ki riti
Usage of Path in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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