Patriotic meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Patriotic
As noun : देशभक्तिपूर्ण Ex:  The revue was a patriotic tribute to the United States Army उ:   तब से सोवियत लोगों का महान् देशभक्तिपूर्ण युद्ध शुरू हुआ।
Other :
देशभक्त Ex:  Although Bose was unsuccessful, he roused patriotic feelings in India. उ:   वह एक समर्पित देशभक्त थे। स्वदेशानुरागपूरित Ex:  In addition to popular patriotic songs
Patriotic ki paribhasha : deshaahit ke liye sarvasv nichhaavar kar denevaala vyakti
Usage of Patriotic in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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