Pavilion meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Pavilion
As noun : अंगहारि Ex:  He returned the pavilion spend & cold.
उपकारिका Ex:  In both versions of Epcot's Circle-Vision 360° film in the China pavilion उपकार्या Ex:  William Kent was mainly responsible for the interiors of the Southwest pavilion औपकार्य Ex:  The pavilion is at an angle to the crease क्रीड़ास्थल Ex:  Before he got back to the pavilion I heard shouts of "not out", "go back", etc. खेमा Ex:  He, however, conveyed his prisoner to the pavilion in triumph. उ:   यह प्रसिद्ध लोक देवता खेमा बाबा का जन्म स्थल है। गुणलयनिका Ex:  On Coulthard appearing from the pavilion groans arose from the crowd गुणलयनी Ex:  The two batsmen who had been standing at the wickets returned to the pavilion नटरंग Ex:  I will make him lower pavilion नाट्यवेदी Ex:  In terms of Marine, Ensuring the pavilion , fly the flag of his nation by firing a cannon नृत्यस्थान Ex:  Marine height of a pavilion on the side where it is attached, as opposed to its length called The door पटमंडप Ex:  Reaching a pavilion पटवाप Ex:  Sort pavilion is ordinarily weave, fabric taut, whose uses the war in the country, to take cover पटवेश्म Ex:  Tent pavilion पैविलियन Ex:  The French pavilion बारगह Ex:  The ropes of a pavilion मँडप Ex:  This alley ended in a large cradle trellis by a trellis pavilion मंडप Ex:  This pavilion disfigure the whole house उ:   इस मंदिर में मुख्य गर्भगृह, गुड मंडप और नवचौक है। मंडौ Ex:  This pavilion meets the other मणिमंडप Ex:  We put allowance in this pavilion a vase of flowers माँडा Ex:  The luff and beating of a pavilion माड़ौ मेड़िया यामभद्र रंगगृह रंगमंच उ:   रंगमंच पर नाटक में कलाकार मास्क पहने रहते हैं। रंगमध्य वस्त्रकुट्टिम वस्रभौन वासौकस् वैतान श्रृंगारमंडल श्रेणिका स्फुल
Other : गुम्बजदार इमारत Ex:  It was started and fomented by professional betting men in the pavilion गुम्बददार इमारत Ex:  The occupants of the pavilion acknowledged our victory. छतरी Ex:  covered pavilion slate उ:   यह छतरी १८ स्तम्भों पर लाल पत्थरों से बनाई हुई है। ध्वजा Ex:  erect a building, a wall, a pavilion उ:   न्तिकारियों ने वहाँ पर भारतीय ध्वजा फहराई। मण्डप Ex:  Baisser pavilion उ:   यहां कई मण्डप बने हुए हैं।
Pavilion ki paribhasha : makkhana, tak aadi pinevaala
Usage of Pavilion in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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