Pay off meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Pay off
As noun : उचित दण्ड Ex:  Nima had to mortage her jewels to pay off her debts.
उचित फल Ex:  I have to use this money to pay off Sarah . घूसखोरी Ex:  Parimutuel wagers pay off at prices determined by support in the wagering pools भुकतान ‡ Ex:  It broke the pay, the pay off is भुगतान Ex:  Pay, pay off a debt, debt उ:   यह एक लक्जरी वस्तु और भुगतान का साधन था। रिश्वत देना Ex:  The account of this administration has been made and is working to pay off सफल होना Ex:  To redeem, repay, pay off a pension हरामखोरी
As verb : चुकताना Ex:  William's plan seemed to pay off चुकाना Ex:  He returned to America in 1900, having earned enough to pay off his debts. उ:   यहाँ पर इंकार करने पर उसकोअपने जीवन का मूल्य चुकाना पड़ता हे। मजदुरी देकर निकाल देना Ex:  See, inspect, examine, receive, pay off an account
Other : चुकता करना Ex:  While some believed the attacks might eventually pay off चुकाई Ex:  To pay off the interest on the loans it had taken
Pay off ki paribhasha : vah baat jo kisi baat ka badala dene ya lene ke liye ki jaay
Usage of Pay off in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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