Peace meaning in hindi
As noun : अकामहत Ex:  Internationalisation helps peace in the world.
अकूज Ex:  Devotion gives peace to mind . अक्षीब Ex:  He gave her a box of chocolates as a peace offering. अतप Ex:  For the peace of the country the pacification of the warring groups is necessary. अतापी Ex:  He gave the project his blessing
Enjoy the blessings of peace अतिकोप Ex:  He is living in peace and content. अनिर्वात Ex:  the honker was fined for disturbing the peace अनुद्धत Ex:  Israel and Palestine signed a peace accord. अनुद्धर्ष Ex:  The brothers who had been fighting over their inheritance finally made peace अनौद्धत्य Ex:  The forces retreated form the border after the peace treaty. अमन Ex:  Lets join together in our effort to bring peace in the society. उ: खराब स्थिति में ही वे अमन कॉन्फ्रेंस में कोलकाता गये थे। अयुव Ex:  The next round of the peace talks between india and pakistan will start next month.
He fired several rounds at the thief. अरोर Ex:  India took an uncompromising stance in the peace talks उ: अरोर सिंध की प्राचीन राजधानी था और इसपर अरोर राजवंश का राज था। अविवादी Ex:  in August 1914 , there was a dismally sentimental little dinner, when the French, German, Austrian and Belgian members of the committee drank together to the peace of the future आसाइश Ex:  The peace plan was a temporizing device. उपसंवाद Ex:  One should prefer to live in a peace surroundings. एकता Ex:  The Hermitage has an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. उ: इन्होंने सभी धर्मों की एकता पर जोर दिया। करार Ex:  America acts as a go-between in the Middle-East peace process. उ: डेरिवेटिव दो या दो से अधिक पक्षों के बीच किया जाने वाला करार है। करारी Ex:  The military helped restore peace in the region. चित्तनिर्वृति Ex:  Both the nations have denounced the peace treaty. चैन Ex:  It was a long illness, but she is at peace now . उ: दो दिन तो चैन की बंसी बजा लेने देते। जख Ex:  At last, Uncle George is at peace . थापणि Ex:  Please go—leave me in peace . निभृत Ex:  All the people prayed for peace . निरुस्तुक Ex:  She is peace in the world". निरूपद्रवी Ex:  But by now I have made peace with it. निर्वृति Ex:  French ambassadors in Regensburg agreed to make peace with Habsburg Spain निस्तब्धता Ex:  An international peace conference was held in Kano in Nigeria प्रश्रयो Ex:  After a period of peace King Karanbas defaulted on these payments बुझरिया Ex:  The 20th century brought little peace मर्य्यादा Ex:  Examples of important questions include: recommendations on peace and security युद्ध विराम Ex:  There were plans of a German-mediated peace between China and Japan रँगरली Ex:  After failed peace negotiations in Breda in 1575, the war lingered on. रफा दफा Ex:  Sweden has been at peace विक्रोध Ex:  After the battle near Åland Sweden made peace with all powers व्युपरत Ex:  After twelve years of peace व्य़ुपरम Ex:  Relative peace came to the country in the 1880s शं Ex:  Fortunately for the peace of Cape Colony at that time शमधर Ex:  Armenia and Azerbaijan have held peace talks शमप्रधान Ex:  This peace did not last long शां Ex:  The Treaty of Amiens resulted in peace between the UK and France शांत करना Ex:  Despite the peace treaty, tensions remain between the two countries. शांत Ex:  Charges included crimes against peace उ: महानदी के किनारे स्थित बारमुल एक शांत गांव है। शांति Ex:  The Society of Friends is counted among the historic peace churches. उ: शांति संचालन के संचालन। शान्ति Ex:  After a period of peace उ: स्वर्ग की शान्ति को भंग करने वाला वही एकमात्र देवता है। शि Ex:  In 206 BC the Aetolians sued for peace on conditions imposed by Philip. शीतीभाव Ex:  Sabr ad-Din subsequently sued for peace संप्रसाद Ex:  He also participated in the peace negotiations. संश्रव Ex:  I would like to make peace between you and the people. समझाव, समझावा Ex:  It sued for peace and withdrew from the First World War. समझौता Ex:  While supposedly involved in the peace negotiations उ: इस विषय के अध्ययन को समझौता वार्ता का सिद्धांत कहा जाता है। समयभेद Ex:  Madison welcomed peace साँत Ex:  With peace finally established साँती Ex:  A peace settlement for Northern Ireland सांकेत्य Ex:  HIV-AIDS, and other diseases threatened international peace and security. सामाधान Ex:  A second peace conference was held at Sparta in the same year सितलाय Ex:  In a general peace conference at Sparta सियरी Ex:  In the years following the signing of the peace सीरापु Ex:  When Chosroes still refused to make peace सुकून Ex:  After these Macedonian victories, Athens sued for peace with Macedon. सुख शांति Ex:  Finally, peace was sworn at Pherae सुखासिका Ex:  Soon afterward, on June 3, 1805, peace was concluded. सुचित्त Ex:  Now at peace with its main rival सुधाय Ex:  He negotiates a peace settlement with Aegyptus सुलह Ex:  They defeated Denikin and signed peace treaties with Latvia and Estonia. उ: सुलह और फिर लड़ाई चलती रही। हतता Ex:  In 404 BC Athens sued for peace
Enjoy the blessings of peace अतिकोप Ex:  He is living in peace and content. अनिर्वात Ex:  the honker was fined for disturbing the peace अनुद्धत Ex:  Israel and Palestine signed a peace accord. अनुद्धर्ष Ex:  The brothers who had been fighting over their inheritance finally made peace अनौद्धत्य Ex:  The forces retreated form the border after the peace treaty. अमन Ex:  Lets join together in our effort to bring peace in the society. उ: खराब स्थिति में ही वे अमन कॉन्फ्रेंस में कोलकाता गये थे। अयुव Ex:  The next round of the peace talks between india and pakistan will start next month.
He fired several rounds at the thief. अरोर Ex:  India took an uncompromising stance in the peace talks उ: अरोर सिंध की प्राचीन राजधानी था और इसपर अरोर राजवंश का राज था। अविवादी Ex:  in August 1914 , there was a dismally sentimental little dinner, when the French, German, Austrian and Belgian members of the committee drank together to the peace of the future आसाइश Ex:  The peace plan was a temporizing device. उपसंवाद Ex:  One should prefer to live in a peace surroundings. एकता Ex:  The Hermitage has an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. उ: इन्होंने सभी धर्मों की एकता पर जोर दिया। करार Ex:  America acts as a go-between in the Middle-East peace process. उ: डेरिवेटिव दो या दो से अधिक पक्षों के बीच किया जाने वाला करार है। करारी Ex:  The military helped restore peace in the region. चित्तनिर्वृति Ex:  Both the nations have denounced the peace treaty. चैन Ex:  It was a long illness, but she is at peace now . उ: दो दिन तो चैन की बंसी बजा लेने देते। जख Ex:  At last, Uncle George is at peace . थापणि Ex:  Please go—leave me in peace . निभृत Ex:  All the people prayed for peace . निरुस्तुक Ex:  She is peace in the world". निरूपद्रवी Ex:  But by now I have made peace with it. निर्वृति Ex:  French ambassadors in Regensburg agreed to make peace with Habsburg Spain निस्तब्धता Ex:  An international peace conference was held in Kano in Nigeria प्रश्रयो Ex:  After a period of peace King Karanbas defaulted on these payments बुझरिया Ex:  The 20th century brought little peace मर्य्यादा Ex:  Examples of important questions include: recommendations on peace and security युद्ध विराम Ex:  There were plans of a German-mediated peace between China and Japan रँगरली Ex:  After failed peace negotiations in Breda in 1575, the war lingered on. रफा दफा Ex:  Sweden has been at peace विक्रोध Ex:  After the battle near Åland Sweden made peace with all powers व्युपरत Ex:  After twelve years of peace व्य़ुपरम Ex:  Relative peace came to the country in the 1880s शं Ex:  Fortunately for the peace of Cape Colony at that time शमधर Ex:  Armenia and Azerbaijan have held peace talks शमप्रधान Ex:  This peace did not last long शां Ex:  The Treaty of Amiens resulted in peace between the UK and France शांत करना Ex:  Despite the peace treaty, tensions remain between the two countries. शांत Ex:  Charges included crimes against peace उ: महानदी के किनारे स्थित बारमुल एक शांत गांव है। शांति Ex:  The Society of Friends is counted among the historic peace churches. उ: शांति संचालन के संचालन। शान्ति Ex:  After a period of peace उ: स्वर्ग की शान्ति को भंग करने वाला वही एकमात्र देवता है। शि Ex:  In 206 BC the Aetolians sued for peace on conditions imposed by Philip. शीतीभाव Ex:  Sabr ad-Din subsequently sued for peace संप्रसाद Ex:  He also participated in the peace negotiations. संश्रव Ex:  I would like to make peace between you and the people. समझाव, समझावा Ex:  It sued for peace and withdrew from the First World War. समझौता Ex:  While supposedly involved in the peace negotiations उ: इस विषय के अध्ययन को समझौता वार्ता का सिद्धांत कहा जाता है। समयभेद Ex:  Madison welcomed peace साँत Ex:  With peace finally established साँती Ex:  A peace settlement for Northern Ireland सांकेत्य Ex:  HIV-AIDS, and other diseases threatened international peace and security. सामाधान Ex:  A second peace conference was held at Sparta in the same year सितलाय Ex:  In a general peace conference at Sparta सियरी Ex:  In the years following the signing of the peace सीरापु Ex:  When Chosroes still refused to make peace सुकून Ex:  After these Macedonian victories, Athens sued for peace with Macedon. सुख शांति Ex:  Finally, peace was sworn at Pherae सुखासिका Ex:  Soon afterward, on June 3, 1805, peace was concluded. सुचित्त Ex:  Now at peace with its main rival सुधाय Ex:  He negotiates a peace settlement with Aegyptus सुलह Ex:  They defeated Denikin and signed peace treaties with Latvia and Estonia. उ: सुलह और फिर लड़ाई चलती रही। हतता Ex:  In 404 BC Athens sued for peace
Other : अविरोध Ex:  After 1989, peace broke out in the former East Bloc उ: साहित्य शास्त्रियों ने रस के विरोध एवं अविरोध का व्याख्यान किया है। कल Ex:  China and India are two of the world’s oldest civilizations and have coexisted in peace for millennia... उ: ;मोहन सहस कल खग मृग पसु बहु बिधि सप्तक सुर बंधान। शान्तता Ex:  Friends are considered as one of the historic peace churches. सन्धि Ex:  These include Apollonius making his peace with animals उ: ऐसी सन्धि भंग करने वाला राजा दोषी नहीं है।
Peace ki paribhasha : akshar ka halnt hona ve sab chitthiyaaan aur paarsal aadi jo dak se bheji jaayan aapas ka vah nipataara jisamen donon pakshon ko kuchh na kuchh dabana ya svaarthatyaag karana pade vah mel jo kisi prakaar ki ladai ya jhagad samaapt hone par ho kisi prakaar ki gita, halachal ya upadrav ka na hona jara bhi shabd na hone ka bhaav nadi ka ooancha kinaara jo jal ke kaatane se banata hai adhik nahin aadi arthon ka soochak avyay
ExamplesUsage of Peace in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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