Pedal meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Pedal
As noun : खड़ना Ex:  Most pianos with three pedals add the sostenuto pedal to that basic pair.
चलाना Ex:  It is placed as the rightmost pedal in the group. ठोलना Ex:  Kind of Music pedal which, in organ, serves to couple keyboards डगराना Ex:  pedal keyboard, The row on the keys the organist plays with feet नषाना पैडल मारना पैड़ल बाँहना मुचाना रंदना विछाडना संप्रवर्त्तन सियाक सूटना हँड़वाना
Pedal ki paribhasha : vah vaayu jo guda ke maarg se nikale gale men pahanane ka vah gahana jisapar kisi devata aadi ke charan ankit hon
Usage of Pedal in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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