Peg meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Peg
As noun : अंकूड़क Ex:  When I hang a picture on the wall, I hammer in a strong thin peg to hold it in place.
अवकीलक Ex:  During a storm the people have to peg their tents firmly to the ground. इंद्रकील Ex:  Arts Small plug, small peg brass or other metal, which is used in watchmaking, the armory, in the mechanical and metal constructions, to stop some parts of a mechanical assembly इंद्रकोश, इंद्रकोष Ex:  He found people who belittled his cackle, who belittled him a peg उद्धंधनी Ex:  He hung his hat on a peg किल्ली Ex:  Planting, file a peg in the wall खूँटा खूँटी खूंटि से बाँधना घोरापु ठूँठि दर्शाना मत्तवारण मेखवा लकड़ी की टाँग वर्कुट वस्त्रधारणी स्थिर रखना
Other : अवलम्ब Ex:  She daily drinks one peg of sherry before going to bed. एक बार पीने की मदिरा Ex:  It also says in Architecture, a circular ornament imitating an ancient peg किल्ला Ex:  It lacks a peg this violin कील Ex:  , Fold down a peg or belittle someone, Confused by his reason or authority to silence by a person who speaks bad about insolently or कीलक Ex:  , Lower the peg someone, someone, someone Confusing, to silence him by authority or by कीला Ex:  By extension, in terms of the Arts, he says with an iron peg which serves to stretch the skins कीली खूंटी खूंटे से जकडना खूंटे से जकड़ना खूटा खूॅटी गिल्ली गुल्ली हेतु उ:   इस हेतु इसे ना तो बदलें, ना ही हटाएं,।
Peg ki paribhasha : rassi, taage, kapade aadi ki sahaayata se kisi padaarth ko bndhan men karana kisi baat se bachane ya koi matalab nikaalane ke liye apane snbndh men koi jhooth baat kahana vah baat jise dhyaan men rakhakar koi doosari baat ki jaay yogashaastr men ek chakr ka naam
Usage of Peg in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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