Pen meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Pen
As noun : अंकनी Ex:  Yesterday I received a letter from my pen friend who is living in America.
अंगढ़ग Ex:  My Russian pen pal and I have been corresponding for several years अक्षरजननी Ex:  This is my pen so that one must be hers. अक्षरजीवक Ex:  The nib of this pen is very costly. अक्षरजीविक Ex:  They interlays their mobile between pen and purse अगूठा Ex:  The pen was kept below the books. अग्रबीज Ex:  I use this pen for specific work. अच्छूरिका Ex:  He gifted me a glittering pen on my birthday. अरज्जु Ex:  Cut the fruit with a pen knife. अवहालिका Ex:  I have made a beautiful pen for my animals. अह्लेकलम Ex:  I dipped my pen into the ink. आव्रन्न Ex:  I am not getting my pen . I have looked for it everywhere. उरेहनापु Ex:  Set pen to paper. कंपाउंड Ex:  He took the pen when noone was by. कठि्ठया Ex:  This isn't a very good pen . कलम Ex:  Is this pen okay? Bill: I guess . उ:   कार्ल जेलेरप अनेक विषयों पर कलम चलायी है। कातिब Ex:  What is that? That is a pen . कारागृह Ex:  The pen is in the hand. There is ink in the pen . उ:   माण्डले कारागृह में रहते समय सुभाष की तबियत बहुत खराब हो गयी। कृति Ex:  The pen and paper are on the table . उ:   नेमिनाथपुराण कर्णपार्य की कृति है। खामा Ex:  Write on the paper with pen . गिरदध Ex:  This is a list of cities which are "cultural pen pals" of Cologne गिरदाइय Ex:  Twain claimed that his famous pen name was not entirely his invention. गुंफ Ex:  Głowacki took the pen name "Prus" from the name of his family coat-of-arms. ग्रामकायस्थ Ex:  Although she writes under the pen name "J. K. Rowling" घेरना Ex:  The history of computing article treats methods intended for pen and paper घेरा Ex:  Victor was also a pen name of Percy Shelley's उ:   उस मध्य के घेरे के बाहर स्नान करने का घेरा है। चक्रबाल Ex:  Aldrin still possesses the pen which they used to do this. छोल Ex:  The name "Voltaire," which he adopted in 1718 not only as a pen name जानवरों का बाड़ा Ex:  Ismail I, Shah of Safavid Persia wrote Azeri poetry under the pen name Khatâ'i. जेल Ex:  Animator Ira Turek drew the backgrounds with a Rapidograph pen उ:   अल्मोड़ा जेल में उनकी तबियत फिर से खराब हो गयी। Ex:  Most of the glyphs are written with one or two simple pen strokes. ठटनि,ठटनी Ex:  Gould even engaged in a poison pen battle with the Laureate. दिविर Ex:  A drawing done with pen निबंधा Ex:  A language, a pen enfiellée निर्मिति Ex:  Absolutely, Drawing in pencil, pen निवृति Ex:  Also called pen Freedom पंजिकारक Ex:  Billiard Pushing a single stroke of his pen tail and one on which we play पध्दति Ex:  Brand made of one or more pen strokes, which affixes usually after signature, and which in some cases goes to the same signature परिकर्ष, परिकर्षण Ex:  cornier and elliptically Cornier Tree, Tree which marks the limits of a pen or a logging परिगम Ex:  Delete what is written in passing above the pen strokes परिवाँन Ex:  Draw a line in pencil, pen परिश्रयण Ex:  Draw pen पर्यवष्टभन Ex:  Have a good pen पारिमाष्य Ex:  He has devoted his pen to the truth, the defense of religion पाशबंध Ex:  He lets his pen on paper पैन Ex:  He saw the product of his land, the product of his labor, the product of his pen उ:   एक पैन में चीनी और एक कप पानी डाल कर गर्म करें। प्रयोजक Ex:  Hold the pen Make as secretary प्रवाच्य Ex:  In terms of Arts, Beak gas intensive Bec, Bec pen Beak alembic, etc प्रविस्तर, प्रविस्तार Ex:  In terms of writing and Printing, he said several letters bound together and sometimes whole words whose letters are all joined to each other with a single stroke of the pen फेरक Ex:  It also means Clear, cross out, make a line, move a pen line on what is written बंद करना Ex:  It also says a bucket where we take the ink with pen and more commonly called ENCRIER बंदीगृह Ex:  n It is usual that in speaking of some birds that have the pen down on the brackets बंधनवेश्म Ex:  Olson bridled, He to whom the pen is passed through openings that are at the upper beak, to prevent it from entering the hedges enclosed places बदसाल Ex:  Olson bridled, He to whom the we placed a pen in the openings that are at the upper beak, to prevent it from entering the hedges enclosed places मंदल Ex:  Sort of pen short, soft and curly, which pushes the first birds on the body and is especially provided in swans and geese मषिप्रसू Ex:  Take a pen मसिपथ Ex:  They say in the same direction theater name, pen name मसिप्रसू Ex:  This is a subject on which you can exercise your pen मीँजना Ex:  This is the best book ever from the pen of this writer मुद्रण Ex:  This sad news made me fall pen Hand उ:   यह भी अच्छी गुणवत्ता के मुद्रण के लिए पुरस्कार मिला है। मुहासिरा Ex:  This writes out of a good pen मूँदना Ex:  Wash drawing on a line in pencil, ink, pen मेडर Ex:  You gave us a faithful pen that man मोघ Ex:  , at the end of which is fixed a pen to write metal यमन Ex:  , Breaking the pen from his hand, discourage someone of disgust write, do it interrupted while writing रचना शैली Ex:  , Putting pen to paper, start writing a letter, a book रचना Ex:  , This writer is a prostitute, he sells his pen उ:   भारतीय संस्कृति की रचना भी इसी प्रकार हुई है। राउंड Ex:  A pen easy उ:   एक राउंड रॉबिन में टूर्नामेंट सेमीफाइनल और फाइनल के बाद। लिखक Ex:  Essayer a knife, pen लिबिंकर लेखक उ:   इसके लेखक लाला श्रीनिवास दास हैं। लेखिनी वराला वरिमा वर्णतूलि वर्णमाता वर्णवर्ति, वर्णवर्तिका वर्णांका वर्षणि वाटक वाड वारटा वारला विधानविधि विनिर्मिति वृत्तपरिणाह वृधसानु वेढ वैढ़ना वोरक शहरबंद शिक्षिताक्षर शिखक श्रीकरण सचक्र सन्निवेश सरजाना Ex:  The first Friday of every month galleries in Old City are open late. सर्किट उ:   भरवारी रेलवे स्टेशन बुद्ध सर्किट से कौशांबी को जोड़ता है। सर्जना सिखला सिरजन स्तंभकर स्तनाभोग स्तूपपरिधि हंसकांता हंसिनी हीता
As verb : उरेहनापु Ex:  Set pen to paper. बाड़े में बन्द करना Ex:  Small vase where one puts ink and when it is taken with the pen लिखना Ex:  It should take only when the pen has fully about उ:   उसके बाद उन्होंने और कहानियाँ लिखना शुरू कर दिया। लिखारी Ex:  This word keeps coming from his pen
Other : क़लम Ex:  Place the rabbit in the pen with the others . उ:   उन्होंने शुरुआत से ही सम-सामयिक विषयों पर क़लम चलाई। खडका Ex:  Hold the pen in the hand . खड़का Ex:  Their pen should be in the sunniest place in the garden बाड़ा Ex:  Pencil drawing, pen बाडा Ex:  Putting pen to paper बाडे में बन्द करना Ex:  Rager something of a stroke of the pen बाड़ा Ex:  Raise-through or otherwise features a drawing exactly following its contours with a tip, a pen or pencil लेखनी या कलम लेखनी उ:   अपनी लेखनी के माध्यम से वह सदा अमर रहेंगे। हंसनी
Pen ki paribhasha : vah vastu jisase likhen ya akshar banaaven jo kisi baat ki aksharon men utaare vah sthaan jahaaan raajy dvaara dndit aparaadhi aadi kuchh nishchit samay ke liye rakhe jaate hain anushtup jaati ka ek chhnda, jisamen bis bis aksharon ke chaar charan hote hai sab or se aabaddh karake mndl ya sima ke andar laana kisi tal ke sab or ke baahari kinaare taratib ya kram se rakhana kisi nukoli vastu se rokha ke roop men chihn karana chaaron aur se ghira hua kuchh vistrat khaali sthaan vah dhaan jo ek jagah boya jaay aur ukhaadkar doosari jagah lagaaya jaay
Usage of Pen in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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