Perched meaning in hindi
As noun : खड़ा Ex: Walter perched his hat on the top shelf . उ: एक राष्ट्र का नारा, एक ही झंडे के नीचे सबको खड़ा कर देता है।
विनिश्चल Ex: The Ranch was perched high above Scotts Valley शब्दगत Ex: It also said the top floor of a room theater where spectators are perched उ: ये विशेषताएँ उच्चारणगत, शब्दगत या व्याकरणगत हो सकती हैं। शयान Ex: Pulling pheasants perched, Shoot when perched संहृष्टी Ex: Where is it went to roost? In terms of veterinary Art, perched Horse, Horse whose ball is doing so he walks forward and rests on the clamp स्थास्नु स्थित उ: यहां स्थित घाट बहुत ही साफ और सुंदर है।
As verb : आसित Ex: The perched bird was singing a song. ऊँचा या ख़तरनाक स्थान पर रखा हुआ Ex: A robin perched on the branch by my window . बैठा हुआ Ex: The campus is perched on the banks of the Red Cedar River. सेदिवस्
Perched ki paribhasha : satkarm men tallinata
ExamplesUsage of Perched in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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