Perfect meaning in hindi
As noun : अकलक Ex: The stationary exercising cycle is best for perfect circulation of blood.
अकालवेला Ex: A good infrastructure is required for the perfect functioning of any
institution. अकृष्णकर्मा Ex: listening to sweet music in a perfect rapture अखंड़ Ex: Our gardener is perfect in making pergola. अखंड़न Ex: The golf field is situated in perfect setting. अखंड़ल Ex: This is an absolutely perfect set of cutlery. अगे बढाना Ex: The child described a perfect circle on the sand. अग्रिय Ex: He is perfect at the art of saddlery. अचूक Ex: John is a perfect steeplechaser. उ: इनमें सफल उपचार की अचूक सिद्धि के लिए सभी सामग्री उपलब्ध रहती है। अजनबी Ex: This is the perfect copy of the original document. उ: लेकिन उस सीमा तक भी नहीं कि वे हमें बेगानी या अजनबी लगने लगें। अदुषित Ex: Mira is perfect at the work of proof. अनचिन्ह० Ex: Every shop requires a perfect shop assistant to be successful. अनदोष Ex: Mayor of the city is a perfect example of parvence. अनभंग Ex: They speak perfect French. अभिनिष्पन्न Ex: She gave a near perfect performance. अभीरुण Ex: Black coffee provides a perfect to a plate of dosa. अभुल Ex: A fine wine is a perfect complement to the dinner अभूतदोष Ex: She embodies a perfect mother. अव्यंग्य Ex: I see you as a perfect candidate for the job . आढ्य Ex: Showing the capacity miss rate would require a perfect replacement policy, i. आदर्श योग्य Ex: The Enigma wasn't perfect आवसित Ex: This is because the lunar surface is not a perfect Lambertian reflector. उचित Ex: It represents perfect efficiency and simplicity of desire. उ: मनोरंजन के लिये मालीपुरा उचित स्थान है। उतम Ex: Koufax became the sixth pitcher of the modern era to throw a perfect game. उ: वानस्पातिक प्रसारण के लिए सबसे उतम समय जुलाई अगस्त है। उपावृत्त Ex: Koufax struck out 14 batters, the most recorded in a perfect game. ऊचित Ex: Nicolas Slonimsky was discovered to have perfect pitch as a child of six एधित Ex: Therefore every man has perfect freedom औपयिक Ex: As it was impossible to get a perfect roll काफि Ex: The nets are not a perfect barrier गैर Ex: … we live in perfect Tranquility उ: सी- ६० कैसेट के आगमन के साथ पूर्व दर्ज " गैर रोक " रास संगीत आया। छोरदार Ex: Of course, it isn't perfect either". जाँ वँ Ex: They referred to these perfect geometries as "The Dice of the Gods". ठीक Ex: Super Mario 64 was the first game to receive a perfect score. उ: इसमें कपड़े को ठीक से पकड़ना अत्यंत आवश्यक है। तजरी Ex: "Enjoys the reputation of being the most perfect Doric temple ever built. दुरेत Ex: Seuss realize, the anapest is perfect for a light-hearted, comic feel. निपुण बनाना Ex: It considers the connection between perfect numbers and Mersenne primes निभृत Ex: All Music described it as "a near perfect pop record. निरदोखी Ex: King called her performance a "near perfect match" and said to the news media निरनयोज्य Ex: He touched its hand, and it began posturing, keeping perfect time. निरवक Ex: These Three Huang and Five Di were considered perfect rulers निरा Ex: Cicero acclaimed him as "the perfect orator" who lacked nothing निराक्रोश Ex: Brāhmī is not a perfect match for Sanskrit निरी Ex: In a new & more perfect Edition, Corrected and Amended By the Author. निर्दोष Ex: Socrates muses about the perfect society उ: यह विषाणु चेचक उत्पन्न कर सकता है, इस कारण निर्दोष नहीं है। निर्वृत Ex: The common market structures studied include perfect competition निश्चितार्थ Ex: Located in a valley, San Salvador is a perfect pollution trap. न्यायसारिणी Ex: Utilitarians, however, are not required to have perfect knowledge परपुरुष Ex: Dutch and international media portrayed her as the perfect mother परिपूरण Ex: To Muslims, the Qur'an is perfect only as revealed in the original Arabic परिपूर्ण Ex: A perfect beauty उ: ओजगुण से परिपूर्ण ब्रजभषा का प्रयोग सर्वप्रथम इन्होंने ही किया था। पाकोजा Ex: A perfect Celadon पूरा Ex: A perfect rest उ: इसका निर्माण १९६६ में पूरा हुआ था। पूर्ण Ex: A virtue, goodness, perfect उ: भैरव पूर्ण रूप से परात्पर शंकर ही हैं। पूर्णकाल Ex: Complete with special care, given the finishing touches, perfect पूर्णकालिक Ex: Filer perfect love उ: बैचलर ऑफ आर्ट्स इन हिंदी - यह एक पूर्णकालिक पाठ्यक्रम है। पूर्णभूत Ex: God alone is perfect प्रणाय्य Ex: He put a perfect good faith in this whole affair प्रपूर्ण Ex: His reading is perfect प्राप्तरूप Ex: His recovery is not perfect बनाई Ex: His trial was done to him and perfect उ: यह परियोजना सतलुज नदी पर बनाई जा रही है। बिल्कुल Ex: I am with consideration, with perfect consideration, with distinguished consideration, with high consideration, etc उ: परम्पराएँ बिल्कुल उल्टी हो गयीं। बेखता Ex: I do not have perfect knowledge of that, I have a simple notion, a small concept बेतकसोर Ex: Identify the absolute perfect with भूरपूर Ex: In Ideally, perfect मुनासिब Ex: In terms of Fine Arts and Literature, he said, as opposed to Realism, the trend towards the ideal, the search for the perfect मुसल्लम Ex: In this dark room, darkness is not perfect मुस्तकीम Ex: It also means state of a person or a thing that perfect focus is मुस्तहकिम Ex: It also means who or what something is missing to be perfect मौजूँ Ex: It believe that these flowers are natural, so perfect imitation is यथाप्रदिष्ट Ex: It is a perfect fool यथार्ह Ex: It is a perfect student युक्तरूप Ex: It is figuratively called the Application that makes perfect the sciences, arts, developing intellectual faculties योक्तिक Ex: It is often said of a watch whose execution is so perfect that it can be used for observations of sailors and astronomers राहचलता Ex: It is on this full rest in perfect rest रैट Ex: It is said in the opposite direction Do not leave anything to be desired, to be perfect in its kind ललित, Ex: It is said that even Medium voice, and means Aorist, perfect way वपुष्मत् Ex: It is, by extension, of the most perfect creatures and blessed spirits वर्द्धित, वर्धित Ex: It means, figuratively, a perfect agreement and an entire correspondence of parts which form a whole or which contribute to the same end विकलंक Ex: It means, in educational terms, full knowledge and perfect विध्र Ex: It often means, for exaggeration, which is excellent, perfect in its kind विनिवृत्त Ex: No man is perfect वैध ‡ Ex: Nobody has a perfect resemblance with another, alluding to the valet of Amphitryon, including Mercury had traits in a room of Plautus imitated by Molière सँपूरन Ex: Only God who is perfect in nature संपद Ex: perfect cadence, half cadence, stopped or interrupted cadence, etc संपृक्त Ex: POSSESSION works figuratively and signifies Know one thing, having a perfect knowledge संप्रयोजित Ex: ROUND is also used figuratively in various locutions: Round Account, Account the sum of which is perfect and without fraction संभृत Ex: something like his pocket, the perfect knowledge of सनेमि Ex: thanks reigns between these two perfect harmony सप्रमाण Ex: The Borough of these figures is perfect समाप्लुत Ex: The most perfect harmony reigns between these two families समुढ़ Ex: The past participle ACCOMPLISHED, EI is also an adjective and means Who is perfect in its kind समुपयुवत Ex: The perfect direct agreement is third, fifth and Octave सम्यक्प्रयोग Ex: The resemblance is perfect them सरशार Ex: There are sounding perfect and imperfect consonance: perfect unison are the fourth, fifth and octave; the imperfect are the third and the sixth सही Ex: There is nothing perfect on earth उ: ये हमारे वक्त की सबसे सही पहचान है। सहीह Ex: There is perfect identity between these two things सांगोपांग Ex: There was between them a perfect match of opinions and feelings सागम Ex: They are, they live in perfect harmony साधुमात्रा Ex: They live in great harmony, in perfect harmony सारुप्य Ex: They live in perfect harmony सार्थवत् Ex: They spun the perfect love two years before marrying सुधार करना Ex: This piece of tapestry, embroidery is of great regularity, perfect regularity सुपर्याप्त Ex: To enjoy perfect health सुसंनत Ex: We have never had set a higher floor than the other, we have always lived in perfect harmony, we have never had any quarrel all सुहूँ Ex: Who is essentially pure, absolutely perfect सेँठा Ex: , Know the fund and depths of a case, have the perfect सौँधी Ex: , Know the fund and the depths of a case, have the perfect सौँसे ‡ Ex: , This book is about the perfection, It takes very little it is perfect हस्तदक्षिण Ex: , Towards well struck, Towards the meaning of which is full and perfect as
institution. अकृष्णकर्मा Ex: listening to sweet music in a perfect rapture अखंड़ Ex: Our gardener is perfect in making pergola. अखंड़न Ex: The golf field is situated in perfect setting. अखंड़ल Ex: This is an absolutely perfect set of cutlery. अगे बढाना Ex: The child described a perfect circle on the sand. अग्रिय Ex: He is perfect at the art of saddlery. अचूक Ex: John is a perfect steeplechaser. उ: इनमें सफल उपचार की अचूक सिद्धि के लिए सभी सामग्री उपलब्ध रहती है। अजनबी Ex: This is the perfect copy of the original document. उ: लेकिन उस सीमा तक भी नहीं कि वे हमें बेगानी या अजनबी लगने लगें। अदुषित Ex: Mira is perfect at the work of proof. अनचिन्ह० Ex: Every shop requires a perfect shop assistant to be successful. अनदोष Ex: Mayor of the city is a perfect example of parvence. अनभंग Ex: They speak perfect French. अभिनिष्पन्न Ex: She gave a near perfect performance. अभीरुण Ex: Black coffee provides a perfect to a plate of dosa. अभुल Ex: A fine wine is a perfect complement to the dinner अभूतदोष Ex: She embodies a perfect mother. अव्यंग्य Ex: I see you as a perfect candidate for the job . आढ्य Ex: Showing the capacity miss rate would require a perfect replacement policy, i. आदर्श योग्य Ex: The Enigma wasn't perfect आवसित Ex: This is because the lunar surface is not a perfect Lambertian reflector. उचित Ex: It represents perfect efficiency and simplicity of desire. उ: मनोरंजन के लिये मालीपुरा उचित स्थान है। उतम Ex: Koufax became the sixth pitcher of the modern era to throw a perfect game. उ: वानस्पातिक प्रसारण के लिए सबसे उतम समय जुलाई अगस्त है। उपावृत्त Ex: Koufax struck out 14 batters, the most recorded in a perfect game. ऊचित Ex: Nicolas Slonimsky was discovered to have perfect pitch as a child of six एधित Ex: Therefore every man has perfect freedom औपयिक Ex: As it was impossible to get a perfect roll काफि Ex: The nets are not a perfect barrier गैर Ex: … we live in perfect Tranquility उ: सी- ६० कैसेट के आगमन के साथ पूर्व दर्ज " गैर रोक " रास संगीत आया। छोरदार Ex: Of course, it isn't perfect either". जाँ वँ Ex: They referred to these perfect geometries as "The Dice of the Gods". ठीक Ex: Super Mario 64 was the first game to receive a perfect score. उ: इसमें कपड़े को ठीक से पकड़ना अत्यंत आवश्यक है। तजरी Ex: "Enjoys the reputation of being the most perfect Doric temple ever built. दुरेत Ex: Seuss realize, the anapest is perfect for a light-hearted, comic feel. निपुण बनाना Ex: It considers the connection between perfect numbers and Mersenne primes निभृत Ex: All Music described it as "a near perfect pop record. निरदोखी Ex: King called her performance a "near perfect match" and said to the news media निरनयोज्य Ex: He touched its hand, and it began posturing, keeping perfect time. निरवक Ex: These Three Huang and Five Di were considered perfect rulers निरा Ex: Cicero acclaimed him as "the perfect orator" who lacked nothing निराक्रोश Ex: Brāhmī is not a perfect match for Sanskrit निरी Ex: In a new & more perfect Edition, Corrected and Amended By the Author. निर्दोष Ex: Socrates muses about the perfect society उ: यह विषाणु चेचक उत्पन्न कर सकता है, इस कारण निर्दोष नहीं है। निर्वृत Ex: The common market structures studied include perfect competition निश्चितार्थ Ex: Located in a valley, San Salvador is a perfect pollution trap. न्यायसारिणी Ex: Utilitarians, however, are not required to have perfect knowledge परपुरुष Ex: Dutch and international media portrayed her as the perfect mother परिपूरण Ex: To Muslims, the Qur'an is perfect only as revealed in the original Arabic परिपूर्ण Ex: A perfect beauty उ: ओजगुण से परिपूर्ण ब्रजभषा का प्रयोग सर्वप्रथम इन्होंने ही किया था। पाकोजा Ex: A perfect Celadon पूरा Ex: A perfect rest उ: इसका निर्माण १९६६ में पूरा हुआ था। पूर्ण Ex: A virtue, goodness, perfect उ: भैरव पूर्ण रूप से परात्पर शंकर ही हैं। पूर्णकाल Ex: Complete with special care, given the finishing touches, perfect पूर्णकालिक Ex: Filer perfect love उ: बैचलर ऑफ आर्ट्स इन हिंदी - यह एक पूर्णकालिक पाठ्यक्रम है। पूर्णभूत Ex: God alone is perfect प्रणाय्य Ex: He put a perfect good faith in this whole affair प्रपूर्ण Ex: His reading is perfect प्राप्तरूप Ex: His recovery is not perfect बनाई Ex: His trial was done to him and perfect उ: यह परियोजना सतलुज नदी पर बनाई जा रही है। बिल्कुल Ex: I am with consideration, with perfect consideration, with distinguished consideration, with high consideration, etc उ: परम्पराएँ बिल्कुल उल्टी हो गयीं। बेखता Ex: I do not have perfect knowledge of that, I have a simple notion, a small concept बेतकसोर Ex: Identify the absolute perfect with भूरपूर Ex: In Ideally, perfect मुनासिब Ex: In terms of Fine Arts and Literature, he said, as opposed to Realism, the trend towards the ideal, the search for the perfect मुसल्लम Ex: In this dark room, darkness is not perfect मुस्तकीम Ex: It also means state of a person or a thing that perfect focus is मुस्तहकिम Ex: It also means who or what something is missing to be perfect मौजूँ Ex: It believe that these flowers are natural, so perfect imitation is यथाप्रदिष्ट Ex: It is a perfect fool यथार्ह Ex: It is a perfect student युक्तरूप Ex: It is figuratively called the Application that makes perfect the sciences, arts, developing intellectual faculties योक्तिक Ex: It is often said of a watch whose execution is so perfect that it can be used for observations of sailors and astronomers राहचलता Ex: It is on this full rest in perfect rest रैट Ex: It is said in the opposite direction Do not leave anything to be desired, to be perfect in its kind ललित, Ex: It is said that even Medium voice, and means Aorist, perfect way वपुष्मत् Ex: It is, by extension, of the most perfect creatures and blessed spirits वर्द्धित, वर्धित Ex: It means, figuratively, a perfect agreement and an entire correspondence of parts which form a whole or which contribute to the same end विकलंक Ex: It means, in educational terms, full knowledge and perfect विध्र Ex: It often means, for exaggeration, which is excellent, perfect in its kind विनिवृत्त Ex: No man is perfect वैध ‡ Ex: Nobody has a perfect resemblance with another, alluding to the valet of Amphitryon, including Mercury had traits in a room of Plautus imitated by Molière सँपूरन Ex: Only God who is perfect in nature संपद Ex: perfect cadence, half cadence, stopped or interrupted cadence, etc संपृक्त Ex: POSSESSION works figuratively and signifies Know one thing, having a perfect knowledge संप्रयोजित Ex: ROUND is also used figuratively in various locutions: Round Account, Account the sum of which is perfect and without fraction संभृत Ex: something like his pocket, the perfect knowledge of सनेमि Ex: thanks reigns between these two perfect harmony सप्रमाण Ex: The Borough of these figures is perfect समाप्लुत Ex: The most perfect harmony reigns between these two families समुढ़ Ex: The past participle ACCOMPLISHED, EI is also an adjective and means Who is perfect in its kind समुपयुवत Ex: The perfect direct agreement is third, fifth and Octave सम्यक्प्रयोग Ex: The resemblance is perfect them सरशार Ex: There are sounding perfect and imperfect consonance: perfect unison are the fourth, fifth and octave; the imperfect are the third and the sixth सही Ex: There is nothing perfect on earth उ: ये हमारे वक्त की सबसे सही पहचान है। सहीह Ex: There is perfect identity between these two things सांगोपांग Ex: There was between them a perfect match of opinions and feelings सागम Ex: They are, they live in perfect harmony साधुमात्रा Ex: They live in great harmony, in perfect harmony सारुप्य Ex: They live in perfect harmony सार्थवत् Ex: They spun the perfect love two years before marrying सुधार करना Ex: This piece of tapestry, embroidery is of great regularity, perfect regularity सुपर्याप्त Ex: To enjoy perfect health सुसंनत Ex: We have never had set a higher floor than the other, we have always lived in perfect harmony, we have never had any quarrel all सुहूँ Ex: Who is essentially pure, absolutely perfect सेँठा Ex: , Know the fund and depths of a case, have the perfect सौँधी Ex: , Know the fund and the depths of a case, have the perfect सौँसे ‡ Ex: , This book is about the perfection, It takes very little it is perfect हस्तदक्षिण Ex: , Towards well struck, Towards the meaning of which is full and perfect as
As verb : परिपूरण Ex: To Muslims, the Qur'an is perfect only as revealed in the original Arabic परिपूर्ण करना Ex: This also means that no country is a perfect democracy .
As adjective : अखंड़ Ex: Our gardener is perfect in making pergola. अखंड़ल Ex: This is an absolutely perfect set of cutlery. अखत Ex: how cunningly the olive-green dress with its underskirt of rose-brocade fitted her perfect figure आइड़ियल Ex: If the shape is not perfect आढ्य Ex: Showing the capacity miss rate would require a perfect replacement policy, i. आदर्श Ex: These conditions are perfect for River Red Gums उ: गुच्छुपानी पिकनिक के लिए एक आदर्श स्थान है। जुमिला Ex: The American dive-bombers arrived in a perfect position to attack the Japanese. परिशुद्ध Ex: A perfect beauty उ: इसका निर्माण कंप्यूटरों में परिशुद्ध हिंदी लिखने हेतु किया गया था। भूतकाल सम्बन्धी Ex: In a perfect way माडल Ex: In terms of Arithmetic, perfect Number One who is equal to the sum of its divisors संपूरन Ex: perfect sincerity is found in his words संपूर्ण Ex: Philosophy In the Pythagorean system, perfect Oneness which is the generating principle of all compounds उ: ब्रह्मा- संपूर्ण यज्ञों की देख रेख करने वाला। समुचा Ex: The octave is the most perfect consonance सरपा Ex: There are between these two lovers perfect makeshift convenience condition सलेश Ex: There is a perfect correspondence between these two things सांगोपांग Ex: There was between them a perfect match of opinions and feelings सिम Ex: This is a perfect ridiculous, ridiculous in सिरतापा Ex: This is done and perfect सुज्जे Ex: This is the beauty of a building is the perfect harmony of all the parts that make up the स्टैंडर्ड Ex: , This man is a perfect nullity, it is without merit, without any talent
Other : अभंगी Ex: `I had finished is an example of the past perfect एकदम सही Ex: They decided to perfect the songs live एकदम Ex: The only thing that matters is that these should be perfect in their kind उ: एकदम जीवित मालूम पड़ता था। कामिल Ex: In practice it is virtually impossible to maintain a perfect balance. ग़ज़ब Ex: Reinhard Selten introduced his solution concept of subgame perfect equilibria निपुण करना Ex: Nietzsche envisioned the perfect man as being beyond moral codes पहुँचना Ex: A perfect book उ: दक्षिणी ध्रुव पर पहुँचना कठिन है। यथातथ Ex: It has a perfect knowledge of the stage सम्पूर्ण Ex: The Platonists claimed that the heavens, in their movement, were heard perfect harmony उ: सम्पूर्ण ब्रह्माण्ड रसायनों का विषद् भण्डार है। सिद्ध करना Ex: This bridge is a perfect construction सिद्ध Ex: This is a perfect man उ: यानी यह मंदिर भी सिद्ध पीठ है। ही Ex: A statue of perfect beauty उ: धर्मानुकूल ही सोचो और करो ।
Perfect ki paribhasha : vah jisane yog ya tap men siddhi praapt ki ho chhoti raani suruchi se utpann raaja uttaanapaad ka putr jisaka ansh ya vibhaag na kiya gaya ho athava jisake tukade ya vibhaag na hue hon vah raag jisamen saato svar lagate hon jaisa hona chaahiye vaisa nishchay jisane koi aparaadh na kiya ho bauddh shaastr ke anusaar maitraayani ke ek putr ka naam vah jisase grnth ka abhipraay jhalak jaay brajabhaasha ke hono hona kriya ke bhootakaal ho tha ka striling gat roop
ExamplesUsage of Perfect in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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