Perfection meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Perfection
As noun : अत्यंतगति Ex:  dance inspires him ceaselessly to strive higher and higher toward the shining pinnacle of perfection that is the goal of every artiste
अभिनिष्पत्ति Ex:  Her dancing was perfection itself. अह्लीयत Ex:  They are working hard on the perfection of their paint formula. इतिकर्तव्यता Ex:  I am always striving after perfection . कमलियत Ex:  Until the perfection of the guided torpedo निपुणता Ex:  A manager achieves perfection after long practice . उ:   शासनप्रबंध भी उन्होंने बड़ी निपुणता से किया। निर्वृति Ex:  Also, this perfection comes with practice . पूरीकरण Ex:  Driving a book to perfection पूर्णता Ex:  evangelical counsels, that the gospel gives tips for achieving greater perfection उ:   पहली दो छवियों के साथ पूर्णता दिखाई गई है। प्रवीणता Ex:  Giving a book all the perfection which it is susceptible उ:   राजराजवर्मा की प्रवीणता भौगोलिक क्षेत्रों के चित्र बनाने में भी थी। मश्शाकी Ex:  He plays the flute perfection वैदग्धी Ex:  In religious language, Perfection Christian, the perfection of the religious life and, absolutely, Perfection, The most accomplished state of Christian life, religious life संपदू Ex:  In terms of theology, it means one who leads a work to perfection सब प्रकार से संतोषप्रद Ex:  It is difficult to reach, to reach perfection सभारता Ex:  It is said to mark the perfection of a certain quality in what we talk about, to express the highest degree सिद्धहस्तता Ex:  It means figuratively Bring last perfection to the last ornament to something सिद्धहस्तता Ex:  It means figuratively Bring last perfection to the last ornament to something सुप्रयोग Ex:  Reaching perfection
Other : आर्दश Ex:  John cooked my steak to perfection . कमाल Ex:  Yet it is seen to be a narrow perfection उ:   इस पर विद्रोह हुए, पर कमाल ने सेना भेज दी। चरम सीमा Ex:  " Aiming at rhetorical perfection निष्पत्ति Ex:   which, in its way, reached perfection उ:   रस निष्पत्ति सम्बन्धी सारी दृष्टि नाट्य पर ही आधारित है। परिनिष्पति Ex:  Approaching perfection परिपूर्णता Ex:  Arrive perfection परिपूर्ति Ex:  Beauty, ideal perfection पूरापन Ex:  Charity is perfection संपूर्ण Ex:  It also designates What approaches perfection उ:   संपूर्ण राष्ट्र तीन प्रांतों में विभक्त है। संपूर्णता या निर्दोषता Ex:  It happens only gradually to this high perfection सम्पूर्णता Ex:  It managed to perfection सिद्धि Ex:  Master, perfection in the execution of a work of art or a sports exercise उ:   आप योगियों के भी गुरु हैं, आपने परम सिद्धि प्राप्त की है।
Perfection ki paribhasha : tap ya yog ke poore hone ki alaukik shakti ya snpannata
Usage of Perfection in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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