Perfidy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Perfidy
As noun : अकूर्च Ex:  Act of perfidy will not survive for too long.
अमीली Ex:  Committing perfidy उड़ेच Ex:  He has filled his perfidy कपट Ex:  He overcomes his perfidy कूटकर्म Ex:  I recognize this man to his perfidy गृहजालिका Ex:  It also says that mark the Acts of betrayal, perfidy चलचूक Ex:  It also says things where there's perfidy छंदबंद Ex:  It also tells of the Principles and actions where it comes from bad faith, perfidy छलहाई Ex:  It is, by extension, the Maxims and foreign shares in politics, where it comes from bad faith, perfidy तोत Ex:  perfidy Insignia धूर्तरचना Ex:  We admitted his betrayal, perfidy बिपास विश्वासघात उ:   इस विश्वासघात पर वह चकित रह जाता है। शाठ्च हिपोक्रिसी
Other : दगा Ex:  Punic Faith Bad Faith badge, an allusion to perfidy which the Romans accused the Carthaginians
Perfidy ki paribhasha : abhipraay saadhan ke liye hraday ki baat ko chhipaane ki vratti kisi ke vishvaas ke viruddh ki hui krima
Usage of Perfidy in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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