Perform meaning in hindi
As verb : अकारना Ex: Irregular students do not perform well.
अक्खरिका Ex: A computer system provides utility programs to perform the tasks needed by most users अभिनय करना Ex: They are intersted to perform drama in an open auditorium. अरसपरस Ex: To perform this operation is an art by itself. अवकखन Ex: Doctors use scalpel to perform operations. आदेवक Ex: Reena vehemently denied to perform on the stage. उदीक्षण Ex: It is very difficult to perform somesault. उद्धम Ex: Children are going to perform a revue. उद्वोक्षण Ex: We should not perform the way of peccary. उल्लुंठन Ex: They use an abacus to perform the mathematical functions multiplication करतब दिखाना Ex: ' In order to perform his experiments करना Ex: The Commons perform the election उ: लेकिन हमें शुरू करना चाहिए। काम करना Ex: He did, however, perform original research in the natural sciences, e. किबो Ex: Different types of bench planes are designed to perform different tasks किर्यान्वित करना Ex: Wild used violence to perform a jail break for one of his gang members क्रियान्वित करना Ex: He soon began to perform at the 10 O'clock Scholar क्रीडन Ex: The economy continued to perform well in the early and mid-1980s. क्रीड़ित Ex: It was Welker who suggested Mandel perform in Gremlins. क्ष्वेला Ex: The brain can perform a variety of functions automatically खेल Ex: Early factories required workers to perform long shifts उ: कबड्डी, बांग्लादेश का राष्ट्रीय खेल है। खेलना Ex: So perform your service for the king, your lord, and you will live. उ: चार वर्ष की उम्र में उन्होंने अपने पिता से शतरंज खेलना सीखा। गाना Ex: Other libraries perform more unusual functions. उ: गाना पंजाबी में गाया गया है। गावण Ex: Instruments used to perform medieval music still exist चितवानापु Ex: Testing ensures that products will perform as expected. झनकाना Ex: Pearl Jam also continued to perform well commercially with its second album झिकना Ex: Here the Congressman and his staffers perform the function of an Ombudsman तकन Ex: Not only will they perform poorly in task oriented settings तकनापु Ex: At soirées, he refused to perform if suddenly called upon to do so. तमाशा करना Ex: John Surman, Stan Tracey and Jessica Williams continue to perform and record. तमाशा दिखाना Ex: When invited to perform at the White House for the first time in 1972 तष्षना Ex: Electronic systems are used to perform a wide variety of tasks. तारनी Ex: She was scheduled to perform in Verdi's La Traviata and in Macbeth दिखाना Ex: To rehearse and perform these works at St Thomas’s Church दिखावना Ex: He did not perform cantatas during the seasons of Lent and Advent. दिच्छना Ex: Men are usually at the instruments while women perform an accompanying dance. दीदारी Ex: Adams became the first western artist to perform in Karachi दृश Ex: The 1960s saw Fonda perform in a number of war and western epics दृष्टिविक्षेप Ex: Very few of the citizens who perform Federal Service देखना Ex: Indians will perform colourful rites and visit temples. उ: जगधरी में, उन्होंने हिंदी फ़िल्मों को देखना शुरू किया। दोस्थ Ex: Although some players can perform them effectively धरपना Ex: It was very difficult to get anyone to perform the execution नगमासंजी Ex: Employees perform the discrete activity of economic production. निबाहना Ex: These civic bands used instruments to perform operatic arias उ: मनोयोगपूवर्क निबाहना चाहिए। निभाना Ex: The initial plan was that they would perform the play in a "Negro dialect" निभार Ex: It could perform approximately 3,000 operations per second. परिणत करना Ex: Students also perform and listen to music पापनाशन Ex: Most crews have a friendly relationship and perform many shows together. पुरस्करण Ex: In order to perform in vitro analysis पूरा करना Ex: After Williams had recovered enough to perform again पेखनापु Ex: The park employees perform air and water quality surveys पैझना Ex: NuLook, K-dans, and Carimi perform regularly in the United States and Québec. प्रतिचक्षण Ex: Many foreign musicians who tour Africa, perform and visit Nairobi. प्रदर्शित करना Ex: , he had chosen not to perform Alfano's portion of the score. बजाना Ex: Caesar attempted to continue to perform his duties उ: उन्होंने बचपन में पियानो, ऑर्गन और रिकॉर्डर बजाना सीखा था। बिंटना Ex: Rights also perform a very special role in a democracy . बुद्धिविलास Ex: In a democracy elected ministers perform this role . बेखना Ex: A difficult, difficult to perform मुशाहदा Ex: arithmetic machine, instrument on which are plotted logarithmic divisions, which are used to perform arithmetic मूर्च्छन Ex: Attach one or more persons with one or more others to perform something रुनकाना Ex: Breathe, feed, grow, Speaking of trees and plants; perform the functions specific to plant life विखाना Ex: Corps de Ballet, The troupe dancers and ballet dancers who perform विपंचिका, विपंची Ex: Exercising the activity of the mind, perform any operation of intelligence, design, imagine, reflect संप्रसाधन Ex: Follow a profession, perform the संभालना Ex: Hand Firmness, Safety, labor insurance to perform something सकिलाना ‡ Ex: He said again, in terms of Art, Some wooden devices on which workers perform their work समालोक Ex: He said specifically of people Meeting delegates to perform certain operations समुन्मीलन Ex: He said specifically the inability to perform the generative act हेराफेरी Ex: His dedication, friendship found opportunity to perform
Other : कार्य में आना या क्रियाशील होना Ex: The king was also considered a priest and could perform mass. कोई काम करना Ex: Storting representatives may not perform as lay judges. नाटक खेलना या बाजा बजाना Ex: 30 musicians are needed to perform the score as intended by the composer. निष्पादन करना Ex: If Franklin did perform this experiment बाजा बजाना Ex: According to them, private companies can perform better . संपादन करना Ex: figuratively, in terms of music, Have a passage, a piece in hand, Knowledge be able to perform well
Perform ki paribhasha : gati ya kriya jo kisi prayatn se utpann ho bhojan vastr aadi dekar jivanaraksha kisi baat ke anusaar nirntar vyavahaar karana taala, svar ke niyam ke anusaar shabd uchchaaran karana keval chitt ki umng se athava man bahalaane ya vyaayaam ke liye idhar udhar uchhalanaa, kudanaa, daudna aadi kisi vastu ke astitv ya usake roopa, rng aadi ka gyaan netron dvaara praapt karana vah chhota kuand chaupaaye paani pite hain kisi kaam ko chalaana kisi baaje aadi par aaghaat pahuanchaakar athava hava ka jor pahuanchaakar usase shabd utpann karana kisi baat ko baarabaar chalaaye chalana
ExamplesUsage of Perform in sentences
The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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