Perhaps meaning in hindi
As adverb : गालिबन Ex:  This form developed in perhaps 2% of infections and occurred mostly in adults.
शायद Ex:  Swiss German speaking areas may perhaps be seen more oriented on German culture उ: यह शायद ईसा पूर्व सातवीं सदी की रचना है। संभवतः Ex:  As perhaps explained by Public Choice Theory उ: संभवतः कुछ संगठन इस दिशा में काम भी कर रहे हैं । हो सकता है Ex:  The Tongan archipelago has been inhabited for perhaps 3,000 years
Other : कदाच Ex:  It is, perhaps, the best known of his works.
Dont you think we should ask your father first? well, perhaps so. कदाचित Ex:  Others say that perhaps a tsunami destroyed the Cretan navy in its home harbor उ: कदाचित प्राचीन साहित्य में उल्लिखित मेरु भी यही है। कदाचित् Ex:  The Lorenz attractor is perhaps one of the best-known chaotic system diagrams उ: कदाचित् इसी कारण मानव ने सूर्य की पूजा की। कहीं Ex:  From the late 1920s through to perhaps the mid-1970s उ: कहीं बोट, कहीं ट्रेन तो कहीं कार से। संभवत Ex:  France and Italy have perhaps 400 each. उ: संभवत तेलुगू का अनुवाद ही संस्कृत में हुआ है। संयोग से Ex:  After perhaps two hundred years
ExamplesDont you think we should ask your father first? well, perhaps so. कदाचित Ex:  Others say that perhaps a tsunami destroyed the Cretan navy in its home harbor उ: कदाचित प्राचीन साहित्य में उल्लिखित मेरु भी यही है। कदाचित् Ex:  The Lorenz attractor is perhaps one of the best-known chaotic system diagrams उ: कदाचित् इसी कारण मानव ने सूर्य की पूजा की। कहीं Ex:  From the late 1920s through to perhaps the mid-1970s उ: कहीं बोट, कहीं ट्रेन तो कहीं कार से। संभवत Ex:  France and Italy have perhaps 400 each. उ: संभवत तेलुगू का अनुवाद ही संस्कृत में हुआ है। संयोग से Ex:  After perhaps two hundred years
Usage of Perhaps in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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