Perilous meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Perilous
As noun : खतरनाक Ex:  A perilous path उ:   कृषि सबसे खतरनाक उद्योगों में से एक है।
भीमयु Ex:  Hitting a shot, make some serious attempt perilous decisive शंकी Ex:  It is most commonly used figuratively and it means Who is dangerous, perilous difficult संदिग्घ Ex:  It means figuratively Who is difficult, embarrassing, dangerous, perilous सकंटक Ex:  Occasion perilous सप्रतिभय Ex:  perilous adventure, difficult, dangerous सोद्योग Ex:  perilous Company
As adjective : संकटपूर्ण Ex:  It means figuratively or the perilous Decisive moment of a case
Other : खतरनाक. Ex:  This is especially perilous for high-altitude fighter pilots. भयहेतुक Ex:  He had the choice between two positions, he opted for the most perilous स‌ंकटमय Ex:  perilous Navigation स‌ंकटास्पद Ex:  perilous Post
Perilous ki paribhasha : bhaari anisht ya vipatti ki aashnka athava snbhaavana
Usage of Perilous in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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