Perimeter meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Perimeter
As noun : इंदुमंडल Ex:  Before any calculations, first find out the perimeter of this ground.
परिधि Ex:  One-third of Burma's total perimeter उ:   इसकी परिधि तीन मील है। परिमाप Ex:  The center of an ellipse, the center of a square, interior point of an ellipse or a square such that any line drawn through the point meets the edge or perimeter at equal distances on both sides of the point उ:   इसका परिमाप लगभग १८ किमी है। परिमिति Ex:  The Great Belt, She described the same perimeter at a further distance पारिमाष्य Ex:  The perimeter of a great circle of sphere सर्किट उ:   इसे परिपथ सिमुलेशन या सर्किट सिमुलेशन कहते हैं। सृदाकु
Other : क्षेत्र की भुजाओं का योगफल Ex:  Sam edged around the perimeter of the room . घेरा Ex:  The perimeter of the field परिणिति Ex:  He personally rode throughout the perimeter cheering his legionaries. भारी घेरेवाली रेखा
Perimeter ki paribhasha : vah rekha jo kisi gol padaarth ke chaaro or khinchane se bane
Usage of Perimeter in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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