Permission meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Permission
As noun : अग्गियां Ex:  he asked permission to leave
अग्याँ Ex:  grant permission अनुमति देना Ex:  She has got the permission to enter the school. अनुमोदन करना Ex:  I resented his withholding permission आज्ञा Ex:  Their attmpts to control pollution in the area were negated by the authorites permission to set up new industries there. उ:   और यदि तुम आज्ञा का पालन करोगे तो मार्ग पा लोगे। आज्ञाप्य Ex:  You must seek permission from the manager. आर्ज्ञप्त Ex:  He took permission to publish copyright material. इजाजत Ex:  I can't give you the permission you seek . उ:   यद्यपि, महार होने के कारण मन्दिर में प्रवेश की उन्हें इजाजत नहीं थी। इजाज़त देना Ex:  Maigret for permission to go to Moloka‘i. इर्शाद Ex:  " With Paramount's permission इलाम Ex:  Photography without prior permission has also been banned in all MRT stations. तजवीज Ex:  In May of 1859, Shevchenko got permission to move to his native Ukraine. प्रशिष्टि Ex:  By 1551, Jews were given permission to choose their own Chief Rabbi. प्रशिस् Ex:  This deal will require the permission of the Nevada and Utah legislatures फर्मा Ex:  With the permission of his mother फहमाइस Ex:  When Earle formally requested permission to publish his findings रजी Ex:  Prince has refused Yankovic permission to record parodies of his songs. वयुन Ex:  Yagan obtained permission to hold another corroboree शास्त्रि Ex:  Without Rand's knowledge or permission सन्मति Ex:  Ask, ask permission to do something सम्मति Ex:  For permission magistrates सामान्यविधि Ex:  Getting a permission हुकम्म Ex:  Getting married without the permission of his parents
Other : अनुज्ञा Ex:  the plane was refused permission to enter Chinese airspace उ:   वह यह ओंकार ही अनुज्ञा अक्षर है । इजाज़त Ex:  After asking the permission of the King of Jerusalem उ:   दुनियाभर में इच्छा-मृत्यु की इजाज़त देने की मांग बढ़ी है। इजाज़त Ex:  The following month, however, the delayed permission was granted इज़ाज़त Ex:  Others may be given permission to reside elsewhere मंजूर करना Ex:  When he granted Yankovic permission to do "Fat" मंजूरी Ex:  Yankovic was denied permission to make a video for "Couch Potato" उ:   इन्‍हें देश से अपलिंक करने की मंजूरी नहीं थी।
Permission ki paribhasha : vah poornima jisamen chndrama ki poori na ho badon ka chhoton ko kisi kaam ke liye kahana
Usage of Permission in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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