Pernicious meaning in hindi
As adjective : खुनी Ex:  Author pernicious
घस्र Ex:  CLAIM also means fatal Who is nasty, pernicious घातक Ex:  Council pernicious उ: किसी मैगलेव पर हुई ये सबसे घातक दुर्घटना थी। घाती Ex:  Dangerously Who endangers which outlines some danger ; or simply, which is harmful, pernicious प्रमापयिता Ex:  He seduces with its pernicious maxims प्राणहर Ex:  It also says people whose role is fatal, whose attendance is pernicious फाड़खाऊ ‡ Ex:  It is said to mean absolutely disorder, pernicious use रिष्व Ex:  It is, by extension, in a sense like, some things that have nothing pernicious विधाती Ex:  It means figuratively Who is extremely nasty, pernicious in its genre हानिकर Ex:  Nature teaches us that all excesses are pernicious उ: किशोरावस्था की दुष्चरित्रता समाज का सबसे अधिक हानिकर रोग है। हालिक Ex:  pernicious Purpose
Other : अपायकारक Ex:  Smoking is pernicious to health. अशिव Ex:  Attendance such people is pernicious दुखदाई Ex:  Exhalation pernicious that rises in underground places and mainly in the mines नाशक Ex:  He also said, figuratively, a man who delivers a doctrine pernicious नाशकारक प्रणाशी Ex:  He infected the country of this heresy, his pernicious doctrine प्रणाशी Ex:  He said, figuratively, pernicious maxims, writings and speeches that corrupt the heart or mind हानिकारक. Ex:  pernicious Invention हानिकारक Ex:  pernicious Maxime उ: कुल मिलाकर यूरोपीय उपनिवेशवाद यहाँ के मूल लोगों के लिए हानिकारक रहा।
Pernicious ki paribhasha : phalit jyotish men vah yog jisaka phal kisi ki mratyu ho svaasthy men truti ya baadha pahuanchaanevaala
ExamplesUsage of Pernicious in sentences
The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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