Perpetuate meaning in hindi
As verb : बनाये रखना Ex: Action by which living beings perpetuate their species
स्थायी बनाना Ex: Educational Action perpetuate or result of this action
Other : अमर कर देना Ex: Now there is no occasion to perpetuate a needless insult. अविरत बनाना Ex: These later plays helped perpetuate the stereotype of the drunken कायम Ex: Now the same group of people � perpetuate the same regime' . उ: अब वहाँ प्रशा का प्रभाव कायम हो गया। स्थिर करना Ex: TO COPY says living things that perpetuate their species by generation स्थिर रखना Ex: , The chisel of history, the power of history to perpetuate the great events
Perpetuate ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ka git jise muharnm men taajiyon ke saamane striyaaan gaati hain
ExamplesUsage of Perpetuate in sentences
The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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