Persevere meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Persevere
As noun : डटा रहना Ex:  persevere hardening
Other :
दृढ रहना Ex:  persevere in his silence, his denials in दृढ़ रहना Ex:  persevere in its refusal धुन रखना Ex:  persevere with its mistakes निबाहना Ex:  This is not all that good to begin, we must persevere लगा रहना Ex:  , Die in final impenitence, persevere to the end in an opinion in a party, despite the opinion, the circumstances
Persevere ki paribhasha : kisi baat ke anusaar nirntar vyavahaar karana
Usage of Persevere in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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